‘There is nothing new under the sun.’ This affirmation of Qohelet 1:9 may seem excessive, but in reality it is of considerable actuality. Wanting to dwell a little on prophecy and on the theme entrusted to me, ‘prophetic witness for today's generation,’ we can immediately realize that the appeal and testimony of biblical prophets are still necessary and urgent nowadays, in a situation that presents aspects and problems similar to those that the biblical prophets have had to face.
To reflect on this, I would particularly like to refer to a prophetic figure that is particularly significant for you, and that in some way represents the beginning of biblical prophecy, the prophet Elijah.To reflect on this, I would particularly like to refer to a prophetic figure that is particularly significant for you, and that in some way represents the beginning of biblical prophecy, the prophet Elijah.
I will articulate my speech in four points, highlighting some elements that may be useful for reflection.