The Vatican has approved a new liturgical calendar for the Order. The Order was notified on November 18, 2021, by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The calendar was approved and signed by officials at the congregation on November 6, 2021, the Feast of Saint Nuno Álvares Pereira.
Fr. Michael Farrugia, the procurator general of the Order, has written a letter to the Order explaining the changes. This letter and the new calendar as well as some accompanying documents are now posted on the Order’s website.
Some modifications were made to the 1972 Proper Calendar which has been in use until now. The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments revised the levels and dates of the celebrations according to the 1999 norms. The new calendar is divided into two parts: the first is intended for celebrations in the whole Order, while the second is an Appendix, for celebrations intended exclusively for local areas. In the first part the dates and levels of the celebrations are indicated: solemnity, feast, and obligatory memorial. Some ‘optional memorials’ have been moved to the Appendix, whereas previously they could be celebrated throughout the Order. Now they are allowed in certain regions.
This is further explained in Fr. Michael's letter and in the accompanying documents:
Read pdf here (121 KB) the Letter to the Order, by Fr. Michael Farrugia O. Carm.
Read pdf here (42 KB) the Decree on the Calendarium proprium
Read pdf here (16 KB) the Approval of the Calendarium proprium
Read pdf here (68 KB) the Calendarium proprium