The General Commission for Liturgy and Prayer developed a document on the development of shrines and friaries in our Order. These houses offer a way of building up the church that is different to the work of parishes. With a view to continuing reflection on this question the General Council signed the commission's letter. It is being distributed to the Carmelite Family for further reflection. This is considered a step towards developing this ministry more, one in which our Carmelite identity can be much more to the fore. This may lead to a reflection on suggestions as to how our parishes should be run so that we give our full Carmelite contribution to the Church also through our parishes.
Friday, 04 November 2022 13:57
Letter to the Order on the Ministry of Carmelite Shrines
We are happy to attach the letter for the beginning of your reflection on this important topic.
Read the letter
(208 KB)
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Announcements (CITOC)
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