Promise of the Spirit, Love among us,
Love within us
(John 14:15-21)
As we approach the coming feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost, the Gospel today focuses on the Holy Spirit.
Jesus returns to the Father in the Ascension, but remains with his disciples through the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This Holy Spirit keeps us in a communion of love with Jesus, with the Father and with one another.
The commandments of Jesus are always about love - love of God and love of neighbour. Those who live by these commandments of Jesus abide with him, others and the Father in love.
Along with the call to love comes a gift to help us, to accompany us on our journey, lending knowledge, courage and a deep experience of God’s life and love.
Jesus is the reign of God in person. He is both the image of God and the model of the redeemed human being that each of us is called to be.
The Gospel makes a number of important points: the basis of our relationship with Jesus is love; Jesus’ return to the Father does not leave us orphans because his spirit, the Spirit of truth, the Advocate, will be with us always; Jesus will, one day, return.
The whole Gospel reading today is like a love poem.
God’s love for us, shown clearly in the life of Jesus, draws us into love with him and one another and allows us to share God’s life both now and for ever.
May the new life we celebrate over the next fifty days bring us the creativity of Spirit we need to be the living heart of God in our world today.
- pdf Celebrating At Home - Sixth Sunday of Easter [PDF] (5.68 MB)
- default Celebrating At Home - Sixth Sunday of Easter [ePub] (4.33 MB)
- pdf Celebrando en Familia - Sexto Domingo de Pascua (402 KB)
- pdf Celebrando in Casa - Sesta Domenica di Pasqua (401 KB)
- pdf Celebrando em familia - Sexto Domingo da Páscoa (404 KB)