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Thursday, 27 June 2024 12:07

Celebrating At Home - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Being Healing and Life for Each Other
(Mark 5:21-24, 35-43)

In the longer version of this Sunday’s gospel (Mk 5:21-43) Mark presents two stories of healing and restoration worked by Jesus for two women. One is a mature woman suffering from a haemorrhage for a long time, and the other is a young girl who has just died.

Over the last few Sundays Mark has been showing us the reign of God’s grace (the Kingdom of God) at work in the person of Jesus. In the calming of the storm Mark has already insisted that it is necessary to have faith in Jesus in order to enter into the Kingdom.

Faith is about entering into relationship with Jesus. It is not the work of the mind but of the heart.

With an honesty born out of desperation Jairus and the woman seek out Jesus and begin their relationship with him. Jesus responds to both, and the dialogue between them grows. Even death is not an obstacle to the kindness of God. Jesus is God’s healing for death itself (the Way to eternal life).

In this passage Mark is suggesting that the way to find the healing and life we need is to enter into a faithful relationship with Jesus. In that relationship (as in all others of value) the conversation is not one-way – it is a loving dialogue between two hearts. 

Faith in Jesus – forming a relationship with him – brings about healing and restoration for us as God’s beloved sons and daughters. We are restored to our rightful place in God’s kingdom. Two women once considered unclean because of blood and death are now healed and restored to their rightful places in their families, communities and religious practices.

Another reason why Mark tells this story is because of the problem between the Jewish and Gentile converts in his community. Some Jewish Christians who continued to hold fast to ideas about what made people clean or unclean in the sight of God could hardly bear to worship alongside pagans whom they considered unclean. This story showed them that Jesus wasn’t concerned about the women being ritually unclean and that the kindness of God was meant for all.

Through the healing and life we receive in our relationship with Jesus we can become a source of healing and life for those around us. 

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