Brothers and Sisters in the Carmelite Family, friars, nuns, sisters and brothers in the affiliated congregations, lay Carmelites, in a special way our Third Order Carmelites, the Third Sunday of Advent, that we have just celebrated, invites us to be joyful always. The angels at Christmas will proclaim peace to people of good will, and the Jubilee Year that is about to begin will inspire us with the theme, “Pilgrims of Hope”. Joy, Peace and Hope are the gifts of God. Without them we cannot live a full human life. For that reason we have to pray constantly for these gifts while at the same time making them the hallmarks of how we live. Yet again this year at Christmas there are many millions of people from whom there can be no joy, there will be no peace for them and their hope is like a small flame that struggles to survive. Joy comes when God’s creation is able to speak the praises of God. Peace comes when men and women are open to the truth of God, and hope is strong when men and women remember that “all things work for good for those who love the Lord, (Rm 8,28)
I pray that our celebration of Christmas this year, by proclaiming again the good news of the incarnation of the Word of God in the womb of Mary, may bring joy to us and to many, may put peace into the minds and hearts of those who are in a position to put an end to wars, and may strengthen our hope in the knowledge of God’s never ending love for all his creatures. May the Word of God speak joy, peace and hope to you, to your community and your family this Christmas. May it be possible for all of us to together to cry out with Mary, My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. (Lk 1,47)
A blessed and joyful Christmas to one and all.
Thank you.
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