CITOC Archive (588)
Sanny Bruijns, O.Carm.
On January 12, Fr. Constant Dölle, O. Carm., of the Dutch Province, celebrated his 100th birthday at his present Carmelite convent in Zenderen. Father Constant is currently the oldest member of the Carmelite Order. The celebration began with a Mass of Thanksgiving in the community chapel, after which there was a reception for family and friends who wanted to offer congratulations.
Along with the Prior Provincial of the Netherlands, Fr. Jan Brouns, O. Carm., there were many Carmelites in attendance. The Mayor of Borne, Mr. R. Welten, also joined in the celebration. During this reception, Fr. Edgar Koning, O.Carm., the prior of Zenderen, read two letters: one from the Prior General and another from the King and the Queen of the Netherlands.
Father Constant was born in the north of the Netherlands in 1916. As a young boy his family house was next to the house of the family Hillesum, where Etty Hillesum (1914-1943) grew up. She died in Auschwitz and left impressive diaries and letters of her spiritual way. Pope Benedict XVI referred to her in his general audience on Ash Wednesday [13 February 2013], saying:
“...I am also thinking of Etty Hillesum, a young Dutch girl of Jewish origin who died in Auschwitz. At first far from God, she discovered him looking deep within her and she wrote: “There is a really deep well inside me. In it dwells God. Sometimes I am there, too. But more often stones and grit block the well, and God is buried beneath. Then he must be dug out again” (Diaries, 97). In her disrupted, restless life she found God in the very midst of the great tragedy of the 20th century: the Shoah. This frail and dissatisfied young woman, transfigured by faith, became a woman full of love and inner peace who was able to declare: “I live in constant intimacy with God”...”
Although they were neighbours in the city of Winschoten, Constant cannot remember this girl next door, because he was fascinated by the neighbour on the other side of the house who introduced the little Constant to playing the piano. Probably Titus Brandsma and Etty Hillesum saw each other in 1923, when Titus visited the school, the parish priest, and the Dölle family in Winschoten. Father Constant was seven years old when he met Titus Brandsma for the first time. He liked him at a first sight and felt he could trust this man. After his entry in the Carmelite Order Constant met father Titus several times in Zenderen and Merkelbeek. The last time they met was in the beginning of January 1942, shortly before Titus was arrested. After 74 years, Father Constant still remembers the inward smile of Titus, a smile with a presence of pure light. After World War II, Constant became a teacher in classical languages (Greek) and a parish priest. During the war he experienced the liberation of his city with shootings while he was saying mass and gave his lent meditations. This experience made him realize that liberation and death are very close to each other. For this reason he gave his new church the title of Christus Resurgens, when he was asked to build a new church in the city of Dordrecht in the west of the Netherlands. This title emphasises the Rising Christ and not the Risen Christ, because rising is a process that God gives us each and every day.
Because Constant knew Blessed Titus Brandsma personally, he wrote a book on the spiritual journey of Blessed Titus: Encountering the Abyss – Titus Brandsma’s Spiritual Journey (Louvaine, Peeters 2002). The book recounts Blessed Titus’ story with particular emphasis on his spirituality.
Although he can be called a senior of the Order and is facing his 80th jubilee as a Carmelite, he still feels inspired by the Carmelite Rule. Together with members of the Carmelite Family he forms a group, who meets on a monthly basis for reflection on the meaning of the Rule for daily life in the 21st century. This keeps him mentally young and makes him a gift for his community and for the Dutch province.
IMAGE: Graduale de Dominicis iuxta ritum missalis Beatissimae Dei Genitricis Semperque Virginis Maria de Monte Carmelo, Stanislaus de Stolec., Kraków 1644, k 74 v.
International Course for Formators and Vocation Promoters
Written byFrom October 31 to November 12, 2016, the International Course for Formators and Vocation Promoters of the Order organized by General Formation Commission took place in Batu-Malang, Indonesia. Fifty formators and vocation promoters, from eighteen countries took part.
The two-week course was centered on the theme: “Walk with us: Growing in the contemplative dimension of life,” (RIVC #10). A number of experts in the Order were invited to speak on the theme of contemplation. Fr. Berthold Anton Pareira (Indo) spoke on the Sacred Scriptures as the Source of Contemplation; Fr. Michael Plattig (Ger) spoke of Contemplation in the Carmelite Tradition; Fr. Quinn Conners (PCM) gave two conferences on the themes, Ability to Give Love and Give of Oneself, and The Capacity for Responsible Care and Stewardship Expressed in “Service in the Midst of the People.” Fr. Desiderio Garcia Martinez (ACV) gave two conferences on the themes, Accompanying Formandi in a Multi-Cultural Community in Growing into Contemplation, and Accompanying Simple Professed Formandi in Growing into Contemplation in the Midst of Technology Influx. During the meeting, two vocation promoters were also asked to share their experience of formation promotio: Br. Daryl Moresco (PCM) spoke about the Theological dimension of Vocation Promotion while Fr. Irvin Mangmang (Phil) spoke on the Practice and Experience of Vocation Promotion. All the conferences were in the morning while the afternoons were spent in the practice of contemplative prayers.
Fr. Benny Phang Khong Wing, General Councilor for Formation and Fr. Noel Rosas, Administrative Secretary for Formation shared the success of the course with the collaborators: Fr. Raul Maraví, the General Councilor for the Americas as Spanish simultaneous translator during the course, Fr. Edison Tinambunan (Indo) and his team for the local organization, Fr Ignasius Budiono (Indo), the Provincial of Indonesia for hosting and great support, the Carmelite student friars, and all the benefactors and people working behind the scene. All the participants departed hopeful and with renewed spirit.
Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Written byThe Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, was held 4 November 2016. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. Diomedis Maria Duran Ynoa, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Arelis D’Oleo, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. Margarita Altagracia Frias Abreu, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. Altagracia Perpetua Cid Cid, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. Maria Consuelo Hernandez Abreu, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Arelis D’Oleo, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Margarita Altagracia Frias Abreu, O.Carm.
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Córdoba, Spain, was held 3 November 2016. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. Maria Dolores Domínguez Pérez, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. Beatriz Prados Toledano, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. Reinhild Maschke, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. Reinhild Maschke, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Angelina Kanini Richard, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Beatriz Prados Toledano, O.Carm.
During the present sexennium, our General Council set up a Committee for Carmelite Schools, for the purpose of organising a second international meeting. We now have the pleasure of announcing that the Second International Congress for Carmelite Schools will take place in the Domus Carmelitana in Rome, Italy, from the 5th of November (arrivals) to the 10th of November (departures) 2017. The theme of this congress will be, “Carmel, fullness of life and beauty”. Over the next number of weeks the committee will send out invitations for this important event in our Order.
The Carmelite Nuns in Camerino hit by the earthquake in Italy
Written byThe shocks of the earthquake that from the end of August have been hitting the centre of Italy, struck the monasteries of Iesi and in particular the monastery of Camerino. A large section of the ancient city of Camerino has been destroyed and for that reason the seven nuns, including one novice, have been forced to leave their monastery. The more senior members have been welcomed by the community in Sogliano al Rubicone, while the younger ones, thanks to the assistance of the nuns in Cerreto, have moved to the monastery in Montegnacco. While we heartily thank these monasteries for the solidarity they have shown, we are close to the sisters of Camerino in affection and prayer, and to all the families that have been affected by this awful disaster.
The Assembly of the Federation “Mater Unitatis” (7 monasteries), was held 17-20 October 2016 at Madrid, Spain. The following were elected:
- President: Sr. María del Sagrario Lorite Beltrán, O. Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. Elena M. Samper Samper, O. Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. María Mercedes Medina Zárraga, O. Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. Noemi Temprano Reguillón, O.Carm.
- 4th Councilor: Sr. Maria Ines Nthenya Nzyuko, O.Carm.
A Meeting of the International Secretariat for Carmelite Nuns
Written byFrom the 20th to the 23rd of September, the second meeting of the International Secretariat for Carmelite Nuns took place at the General Curia in Rome. Those who took part were, Fr. Mario Alfarano (Delegate General for Carmelite Nuns), Sr. M. Pilar Simon i Blasco (BAR), Sr. Inés M. Carmona Ortiz (TRU), Sr. M. Elena Tolentino (BUR, federal leader of the Philippines), Sr. Liliana Campos Rosa (ANT), Sr. Marianna Caprio (VET), Fr. Paul Denault (SEL). The work began with an introduction to the Apostolic Constitution on the life of women contemplatives, Vultum Dei quaerere. That was followed by the work of synthesising the responses of the monasteries to the CIVCSVA, that the Delegate received. This synthesis was further developed and now it is ready to be sent to all the monasteries in order to continue the process of the revision of the Constitutions of the Carmelite Nuns. In addition, the first international course of ongoing formation for nuns, on the theme of St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi, was organised. It will take place in May 2017. More information will be given at a later date. Finally, the work of producing an on-line bulletin and a Vademecum for all the monasteries was initiated.
On Thursdays, the 29th of September, the presidents of General Commissions each gave their report: Formation, Justice and Peace and the Integrity of Creation, Liturgy, Evangelisation and Mission, Communications and Laity. That was followed by the presentation of the first draft of the “Final Message” of the Congregation to the Carmelite Family. The group of drafters took note of a series of observations and went away to work on the final draft, which they presented the following day (Friday, September 30) to the assembly, and it was approved unanimously. You may see that message at
The Prior General, in his final remarks, complimented all the participants for the fraternal way in which the Congregation was conducted and for the kind of discernment that had taken place throughout the meeting. He thanked Fr. Ricardo Rainho, O.Carm., the Commissary General of Portugal, for the wonderful welcome and hospitality that everyone received. He also highlighted a number of the topics that were discussed at the meeting and invited all the members to approach the many challenges that the order faces in the coming years with authenticity, creativity, joy and generosity. As a final act, the Prior General led the celebration of the Eucharist in the chapel of the Casa Sao Nuno.
The General Congregation came to an end with the singing of the “Flos Carmeli”.
From the offices of CITOC we give thanks to God and to Mary, the Mother of Carmel, for these days of fraternity and reflection.
Note: the photographs of the General Congregation may be seen on the Facebook page of the Order: http://www.facebook.com/ocarm.org
In July 2016 Fr. Craig Morrison, O.Carm., from the PCM Province, was appointed by the General of the Society of Jesus, Ordinary Professor at the Faculty of Ancient Near Eastern Studies of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome.
In September 2016 Fr. Richard Byrne, O.Carm., Prior Provincial of the Irish Province, was appointed as the chairperson of the Catholic Schools Partnership, an association established by the Irish Bishops’ Conference and the Conference of Religious of Ireland to foster coherence in Catholic Education.
Congratulations to Fr. Craig and Fr. Richard on these important appointments.
Representative members of the Carmelite Family in Africa (O.Carm), met at St Teresa of Avila Spiritual Centre, Boko, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 21-28 July 2016. The 38 participants were drawn from the following countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroun, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. All branches of Carmel were represented: laity, consecrated religious sisters and the friars. The theme of the Conference was: “United, Heart and Soul (Acts 4:32): Being Carmelite in Africa – One Rule, Multiple Expressions”. The Conference consisted of expert input, personal and group reflection. Sanny Bruijns from the Dutch Province led three of the reflections: 1. The Historical Origins of the Carmelite Rule and Its Spirituality; 2. The Rule in relation to Mary in Carmelite Spirituality; 3. The Rise of Women (Nuns and Laity) in the Carmelite Tradition and Its impact on Carmelite Spirituality Today.
Fr. Conrad Mutizamhepo, General Councillor for Africa, spoke to the theme of the meeting. On this he stressed what it means to be Carmelite in Africa. He pointed out that the modern challenges in Africa – socio-economic, political and religious realities affecting every facet of Carmel. Carmelites ought to journey into the reality of globalization with a contemplative attitude expressed through deep and sincere prayer, growth in communion and witnessing to the Church’s call to evangelization. Fr. Míceál O’Neill (Prior of CISA) helped with the Conference and was the main translator.
The excursion to the historical town of Bagamoyo, a centre of slave trade in 18th century as well as the first Catholic mission established in East Africa by the Spiritans, brought to the fore the long struggle for justice and peace in Africa.
The participants expressed their vision for the future to be a contemplative fraternity at the service of our societies by witnessing to lives of prayer, fraternity and service according to our station in life. The experience of the Conference set challenges to develop stronger bonds of cooperation and collaboration through communication, other means of sharing and to share in the areas of initial and ongoing formation, and also the fostering of financial self-reliance mechanism for the cultivation of an authentic African Carmel.
The Episcopal Ordination of Henricus Pidyarto Gunawan, O.Carm.
Written byOn Saturday, the 3rd of September, in Gajayana Stadium in Malang – Indonesia, the episcopal ordination of Fr. Henricus Pidyarto Gunawan, O.Carm. took place. This solemn mass was attended by 38 bishops from all over Indonesia, one Indonesian Cardinal and the Apostolic Nuncio, Antonio Guido Filipazzi; also around 15.000 faithful from all over the diocese of Malang and from outside. The main celebrant was Mgr. Ignasius Suharyo, the Archbishop of Jakarta. The concelebrants included a large number of priests from within the diocese and from other dioceses, among them were Fr. Benny Phang Khong Wing, O.Carm., the General Councillor of Asia-Australia-Oceania, the Provincial of Indonesian Province, Fr. Ignasius Budiono, O.Carm., the Provincial Commissary of Eastern Indonesia, Fr. Yohanes Bosco Djawa, O.Carm. and many Carmelites from Indonesia and Hong Kong.
The solemn and joyful celebration included the attendance of Carmelite students, different groups of lay Carmelites, the Hermanas Carmelitas, Putri Karmel, Carmelites of St. Elijah, and the cloistered nuns from the monastery of Flos Carmeli – Batu. The dignitaries from the local, provincial and national government were also present after the mass to congratulate the new bishop and to show their support.
The following day, the 4th of September, Bishop Henricus took possession of the diocese of Malang, replacing the now emeritus Bishop H.J.S. Pandoyoputro, O.Carm., forming part of the celebration of the Eucharist in the Malang cathedral.
The motto chosen by the new bishop is, “Fideliter praedicare evangelium Christi.” Congratulations Bishop Henricus, ad multos annos!
On the cover of this issue of CITOC-magazine you will see a beautiful photo of the pilgrimage to the Holy Door made recently by the two General Councils, O.Carm. and O.C.D. on the 11th of June. Among the many joint initiatives of this year, this was certainly one of great significance, and a unique experience of communion, This finds expression in the message addressed to the Carmelite Family by the two Generals, that focuses on the witness of some of our own saints. Among them is Titus Brandsma about whom there is here an article related to the Jubilee of Mercy. This Dutch Carmelite, a “Strong and Merciful Father” is so presented in a book published by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of New Evangelisation entitled, “The Saints of Mercy”. This is a reminder to us of his witness: a man who was able to be firm in his opposition to nazism and compassionate and merciful towards everyone at the same time, including the nurse who gave him the lethal injection that ended his life.
As we are celebrating the 450th anniversary of the birth of St. Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, at the centre of this new issue of CITOC-magazine there is a section dedicated to this occurrence. A short biography tells us who she was, while another article gives us information about the celebrations and activities that mark the anniversary. We then find something very original in the form of a letter written by nuns to St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi.
We also wish to mark two other anniversaries, much more recent. This year Karit, Solidarios por la Paz (Karit, Working in Solidarity for Peace) the Carmelite NGO, is celebrating its 20th birthday. An article by its President lets us see the great witness of the Carmelite Family in the Iberian Region. Lastly, one year after the publication of the encyclical, Laudato si, we present an interesting reflection on the ecological originality of Pope Francis. A number of other items offer a wide range of information on what is happening in the Order. Among these we would like to mention two new missions begun recently, one in the Ukraine and the other in Hong Kong.
Along with these articles and other items of information we offer a selection of the main news items, some of which have already appeared in CITOC-online.
We hope that you will enjoy reading this lastest issue of CITOC-magazine. Please click here to download the magazine.