CITOC Archive (588)
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Fontiveros, Spain, was held 5 October 2017. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. Fátima M. de la Redención Luna Ceballos, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. del Pilar de la Trinidad Felipe García, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr Rosa M. de Jesús Pérez Arias, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Suor Sor Rosa M. de Jesús Pérez Arias, O.Carm
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Batu, Indonesia, was held 24 September 2017. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Laura Inacentia Soelistiowati W, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Rosa Sukatmi Rahayu Moensarip, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr .M. Lidwina Koeatmadja, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr .M. Gerarda Soewarti Jokasemo, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr .M. Angelina Wiwik A. Koesman, O.Carm.
From the 15th to the 17th of September, just gone by, an International Marian Congress, organised by the Carmelites (O.Carm. and OCD) took place at the Domus Carmeli in Fatima, to mark the first centenary of the Fatima apparitions. The title of the congress was “Maria, Mae do Carmelo” (Mary, the Mother of Carmel). The participants included the two general leaders, Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm. and Saverio Cannistrà, OCD, along with several Carmelites, (lay and religious) from Spain and Portugal and representatives of other countries also. In the course of the event the speakers dwelt, from various points of view, upon the link that exists between the Fatima phenomenon and devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The Marian experience of leading figures in the history of the Carmelite Order and some aspects of the marian dimension of the Carmelite charism were also studied. The closing Eucharist was led by Bishop Vitalino Dantas, O.Carm., retired bishop of Beja, in the Chapel of San José, the Carmelite monastery in which Sr. Lucia, one of the visionaries, lived We must thank and congratulate Fr. Ricardo Reinho, O.Carm. the Commissary General of Portugal, and Pedro Lourenço Ferreira, OCD., the Provincial of the Discalced Carmelites in Portugal, for this wonderful joint initiative.
Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción, Huesca, Spain
Written byThe Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción, Huesca, Spain, was held 1 September 2017. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Inés Nthenya Nzyuko, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Carmen Ibarra Lorea, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr .M. Anastasia Kavuu Kiswili, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr .M. Regina Mumbua Musyoka, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr .M. Jacinta Nthenya Wambua, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Regina Mumbua Musyoka, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Jacinta Nthenya Wambua, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. M. Lucia Mueni Mutinda, O.Carm.
From the Carmelite Order’s Commission for Evangelization and Mission
Written byThe third booklet from the Order’s General Commission for Evangelisation and Mission is entitled: The Word of God in our Carmelite Journey and is now available to be either read or downloaded, in booklet format, from the home page of the Order’s website.
Over the past three years the commission has produced two booklets, the first was entitled: To be a Carmelite Today: A Joy ever new, a Joy to be shared; the second entitled: Drinking from our own well: Joy in Contemplative Community (both available on the website….). In each of these booklets are set out reflections on the relationship between Pope Francis’ Evangeli Gaudium and our Carmelite charism and spirituality.
All members of the Carmelite family are invited to use this material at community meetings, Third Order gatherings, with prayer groups or individual reflection. Each booklet has seven sections and this latest one contains the following: 1. The Word that visits me in the silence of my solitude. 2. The Word that cuts to the heart. 3. The Word that is incarnated in daily life. 4.The Word that creates and sets us free. 5. The Word that compels me to proclaim. 6 The Word that is my refuge, my spiritual armour. 7. The Word that transforms me in love.
First Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Sogliano al Rubicone, Italy
Written byThe first Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Sogliano al Rubicone, Italy, was held 9 August 2017. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. Marilla Pia Fiumana, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Vania Spazzoli, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Benedetta Benvenuti, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Vania Spazzoli, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Benedetta Benvenuti, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Vania Spazzoli, O.Carm.
A FOCAL (Carmelite Formation in Latin America) ongoing formation event was held in São Paulo, Brazil, from the 27th of June to the 6th of July, 2017. for the Carmelite Family in the American continent. The event was organised by Raúl Maraví, O.Carm., Councilor General, with the help of a team of friars from the Rio de Janeiro province. The participants included people from Argentina, Perú, Bolivia, the U.S.A. and Brazil, all of whom enjoyed the fraternal atmosphere and the inputs by Eduardo Agosta, O.Carm. (Argentina), Bruno Secondin, O.Carm. (Italy) and Benny Phang, O.Carm. (Councilor General for Formation). The course had as its title, "I brought you into the land of Carmel" concentrating on the themes of ecology, challenges to ministry, Carmelite spirituality and morality. As a part of the programme the group made a pilgrimage to the national shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida on the occasion of the third centenary of the finding of the image of Our Lady.
We are grateful to the Provincie of Rio de Janeiro for their great generosity and very warm hospitality throughout this formation course.
Today, 26 of July 2017, we remember the 75° anniversary of the martyrdom of blessed Titus Brandsma in the concentration camp of Dachau.
Born in the Frisian city of Bolsward, Holland, in 1881, Bl. Titus Brandsma joined the Carmelites while still young and was ordained priest in 1905. He undertook further studies in Rome and was awarded a doctorate in philosophy at the Gregorian Pontifical University.
Returning to Holland, he taught in a number of schools before taking up a post as Professor of Philosophy and the History of Mysticism at the Catholic University of Nijmegen where he was later appointed Rector Magnificus. A noted writer and journalist, in 1935, he was appointed adviser to the bishops, for Catholic journalists. He was noted for being ready to receive anyone in difficulty and to help in whatever way he could. In the period leading up to and during the Nazi occupation in Holland, he argued passionately against the National Socialist ideology, basing his stand on the Gospels, and he defended the right to freedom in education and for the Catholic Press. As a result, he was imprisoned. So began his Calvary, involving great personal suffering and degradation whilst, at the same time, he himself brought solace and comfort to the other internees and begged God's blessing on his jailers. In the midst of such inhuman suffering, he possessed the precious ability to bring an awareness of goodness, love and peace. He passed from one prison or camp to another until he arrived in Dachau where he was killed on 26th July 1942. He was beatified as a martyr by Pope John Paul II on 3rd November 1985.
Tomorrow, 27 July 2017, in our Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina (Rome), a solemn Eucharist will be celebrated to commemorate the death of Blessed Tito Brandsma 75 years ago in the Dachau Concentration Camp.
The Assembly of the Federation "Verge, Flor del Carmel" (Catalonia), was held 27 June 2017. The following were elected:
- President: Sr. María del Carmen Izquierdo Marín, O.Carm.
- Secretary: Sr. M. Pilar Simón i Blasco, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Maria Roser Ferrer Camps, O.Carm.
“May the Mother of God, who today we remember with the title Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel, unsurpassable in receiving the Word of God and putting it into practice (Cf. Luke 8:21), help us to purify our heart and to keep the presence of the Lord.” …
“I would like to greet especially the Carmelite Sisters and Friars on their feast day. I hope that they can continue decidedly on the way of contemplation.”
Flos Carmeli, vitis florigera,
splendor caeli, Virgo puerpera singularis.
Mater mitis, sed viri nescia,
Carmelitis esto propitia,
stella maris.
Fernando Prior Generalis
Domusque Generalis Communitas
16. VII. 2017
In its session of the 5th of June, 2017, the General Council accepted the request of the Prior Provincial of the province of Aragon, Castile and Valencia, to open the cause for beatification and canonisation of Fr. Enrique Maria Esteve, O.Carm.
In the same session, the request from the Prioress of the Monastery of “Our Lady of Maravillas and St. Joseph” in Dumaguete City, Philippines, for the introduction of the cause for beatification and canonisation of Sr. Trinidad del Sagrado Corazon de Jesús Cuesta Valluerca, O.Carm. was accepted.
On the 27th of June, 2017, in the diocese of Jundiaí, in Brazil, the supplementary diocesan inquiry for the Servant of God, Dom Gabriel Bueno Couto, Carmelite bishop, was closed.
The 23rd Assembly of the Carmelite Family in the Iberian Region
Written byThe 23rd assembly of the Carmelite Family in the Iberian Region took place at the Casa Sao Nuno in Fatima from the 30th of June to the 3rd of July. It was organised by the Portuguese Commissariat. Some 160 people took part, including lay people, religious women, nuns, friars and the international novitiate in Salamanca. The theme of the meeting was, "Fatima and Carmel", honouring the celebration of the first centenary of the apparitions (1917-2017). The two Superiors General of the "Orihuela" and "Malaga" Carmelite Sisters, three Priors provincial of the Iberian Region, the Federal Mother of the Nuns of the Betica province and the board of the Karit NGO also attended. Mgr. Luciano Guerra, Rector of the Fatima Basilica, spoke to the assembly about the "Message and Spirituality of Fatima".Fr. Desiderio García, O.Carm., stood in for Fr. Rafael María López Melús, recovering from illness, and shared with the assembly his reflections on "Fatima and Carmel". Fr. Pedro Bravo, O.Carm. brought the meeting to a close with an address on the theme, "Carmel and Fatima, Prophecy of Salvation".
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Valencia, Spain, was held 29 June 2017. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. del Sagrario Lorite Beltrán, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Auxiliadora Muñoz López, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Mercedes de la Cruz Medina Zárraga, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr María de los Ángeles Megías M., O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. M. Manuela de Jesús Medina T., O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Norayma Coromoto Morales, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Auxiliadora Muñoz López, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. M. Manuela de Jesús Medina Triguero, O.Carm.