Displaying items by tag: federations
Carmelite Sisters Celebrated 100 Years of Affiliation
An Irishman signed the decree, 100 years later, another Irishman confirms it
Altagracia de Orituco, Guárico State, Venezuela, was the scene for the celebration of the centenary of the affiliation of the Congregation founded by Mother Candelaria de San José in 1925 to the Order of Carmel on February 1, 2025. With a historical coincidence, an Irish Prior General, Míceál O'Neill, O. Carm, 100 years later, confirmed the affiliation.
The fraternal, cultural, and religious sharing was not long in coming; in the “De la Cumaná” field the stage was set to achieve a real celebration. The faithful of the town came to be part of the celebration. With songs of praise, dynamics and dance presentations, the festive day began.
It should be noted that before starting the liturgical celebration, those present were able to learn a little more about the life of the second Venezuelan Blessed and the Carmelite family, thanks to the presentation of Fr. Luis Maza, O. Carm, General Councilor for the Americas. He highlighted the heroic virtues developed in Mother Candelaria.
“She had the infused Charism of Carmel from her beginning, since she took the name of St. Joseph who is the patron saint of the Carmelite Order.” He continued with great emotion, “She was an affable woman who listened to the voice of God in her interior; and also, the voice of the brothers and sisters in need.”
He added: “Carmel is a large family comprised of: friars, nuns, congregations of active sisters, hermits, and apostolic groups. We all live under the Rule of St. Albert as a “Gift of Jesus,” embracing the Gospel, being contemplatives in prayer, fraternity and service in the midst of the people. We strive to be a prophetic sign of justice and solidarity.”
Finally, he emphasized that: “An Irishman [Prior General Elias Magennis] signed the decree of the annexation of the Congregation to the Carmelite Order in 1925; and 100 years later another Irishman confirms it.” At the conclusion, the group moved into the celebration of the Eucharist.
Triennial Chapter of the Nuns in Aracena Held
Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of Santa Catalina in Aracena, Spain Held
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Santa Catalina in Aracena, Spain was held on November 18-19, 2024. Fr. Emilio Rodriguea Claudio, OSA, vicar general and episcopal vicar for Contemplative Life in the Diocese of Huelva presided. Eight nuns of the community participated.
Various decisions were taken. Among these was to work on ongoing formation and within it to deepen the community's identity according to the charism and the teachings of the Carmelite saints.
The Aracena monastery was founded when two pious sisters of the Castilla Infante family, with the assistance of a religious, opened a house on their property. On Feburary 21, 1536, the house became official, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel. It was annexed to the church of St. Catherine by Cardinal Alphonso Manrique, the Archbishop of Spain. The monastery has founded other monasteries in Andalucia (Southern) Spain, Portugal, and Kenya.
The monastery belongs to the Mater et Decor Carmeli Federation. The website for the monastery is www.monjascarmelitasaracena.es
The following nuns were elected:
Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sor Elena M. López Font, O. Carm.
1st Councilor | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sor Ma. Remedios Álvarez Soríano, O. Carm.
2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera | 2ª Consigliera:
Sor Ma. Victoria Escamilla Martín, O. Carm.
Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sor Ma. Victoria Escamilla Martín, O. Carm.
Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sor Elena Ma. López Font, O. Carm.
Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Sor Ma. Remedios Álvarez Soríano, O. Carm.
Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns of Carpineto Held
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of St. Ann in Carpineto Romano was held on September 21, 2024, the feast of St. Matthew, Apostle.
The monastery was founded in April 1979 with nuns from the monastery of Aesinati. It was named after St. Ann. It was first located in the rectory of St. John the Evangelist parish. It was officially approved on December 11, 1985 by the Congregations and the bishop made it official on March 19, 1986. In 1992 the new monastery of Cerreto was started and in 2005 the new foundation of Biella was made.
The monastery belongs to the St. M. Magdalen de' Pazzi Federation. More information about the monastery and the nuns' lives can be found at: www.monasterocarpineto.it
The following were elected:
Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sr M. Valentina Rossin, O. Carm.
1st Councilor | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sr M. Noemi Malagese, O. Carm.
2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera | 2ª Consigliera:
Sr M Paola Ricci, O. Carm.
3rd Councilor | 3ª Consejera | 3ª Consigliera:
Sr M. Agnese Talano, O. Carm.
4th Councilor | 4ª Consejera | 4ª Consigliera:
Sr Ana Mihaela Tiba, O. Carm.
Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sr M. Agnese Talano, O. Carm.
Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sr M. Noemi Malagese, O. Carm.
Sacristans | Sacristanas | Sacrestane
Sr M. Carla Zinno, O. Carm. e (vice) Anna Luisa Voltazza, O. Carm.
Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns Held in Philippines
On August 26, 2024, the Carmelite nuns of the monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Tambacan, Burgos, Pangasinan, Philippines held there triennial elective Chapter. The local bishop, Napoleon Sipalay, Jr., OP, the bishop of Alaminos presided. Twelve nuns with both active and passive voice and four nuns with passive voice only participated.
The monastery was founded on May 1, 1993 with nuns from the monastery of Guiguinto. It was canonically erected on May 6, 1993. It belongs to the Federation of Stella Maris.
More information about the monastery and the nuns' lives can be found at: ocarmburgosph.weebly.com
The following were elected:
Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sr Ma. Barbara C. Pulido, O. Carm.
1st Councilor | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sr Ma. Elena de la Eucaristia Z. Tolentino, O. Carm.
2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera | 2ª Consigliera:
Sr Ana Maria del Sagrado Corazon D. Bernardo, O. Carm.
3rd Councilor | 3ª Consejera | 3ª Consigliera:
Sr Ma. Florencia Giuseppe M. Cruz, O. Carm.
4th Councilor | 4ª Consejera | 4ª Consigliera:
Sr Ma. Leonora of the Holy Trinity J. Borlongan, O. Carm.
Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sr Ma. Elena de la Eucaristia Z. Tolentino, O. Carm.
Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sr Miriam Therese of the Holy Spirit C. Albeza, O. Carm.
Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Sr Ma. Florencia Giuseppe M. Cruz, O. Carm.
Nuns in Ostuni Celebrate Their Elective Chapter
The Carmelite Nuns in Ostuni, Italy, Celebrate Their Elective Chapter
From March 11-13th, the Carmelite community of the monastery of St. Mary Maddalena de’ Pazzi celebrated its triennial elections. The monastery is located in Ostuni (Brindisi) Italy.
In 1730 the Carmelite nuns from the town of Fasano made the foundation in Ostuni. The community survived the suppressions of the last century; two other Pugliese monasteries (Putignano which was founded in 1552 and Fasano, founded in 1631, was the founding monastery of Ostuni) were closed. In 1975 the community left their monastery in the city center and moved to a new monastery.
The monastery belongs to the St. Mary Maddalena de’ Pazzi Federation. More information can be obtained by visiting the community's webpage.
The results of the elective chapter were as follows:
Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Suor M. Anna della Divina Misericordia , O. Carm.
1st Councilor | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Suor M. Daniela della SS.ma Trinità, O. Carm.
2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera | 2ª Consigliera:
Suor M. Agnese di San Giuseppe , O. Carm.
Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Suor M. Agnese di San Giuseppe , O. Carm.
Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Suor Maria di Gesù , O. Carm.
Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Suor M. Angela di Sant' Elia , O. Carm.
The Virgo Flos Carmeli Federation
The Virgo Flos Carmeli Federation in Catalonia-Spain was canonically erected on the 16th September, 2011. The monasteries of this federation are: Barcelona, Banyoles, Tárrega and Vilafranca del Penades. The address of this federation:
Monges Carmelites
Monestir de l’Encarnació
c/ Panama, 12
- Tel. (+34) 93-2037569
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- carmelitasbcn.org
Stella Maris Federation
The Stella Maris Federation in the Philippines was canonically erected on the 21st September, 1996. The monasteries of this Federation are Dumaguete, Guiguinto, Cabanatuan, Roxas, Burgos, Tanay, Sta. Ignacia, Lila, San Fabian, Maramag and Erlangen (Germany). The address of this federation:
Carmelite Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Tambacan, Burgos
- Tel. (+63)917 3252062 / (+63)925 8151225
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Federation of Santa Maria Maddalena de’Pazzi
This Federation was erected on the 26th July, 2010. The monasteries that belong to this federation are: Carpineto Romano, Cerreto, Fisciano, Jesi, Montegnacco, Montiglio, Ostuni, Ravenna, Sogliano al Rubicone, Sutri, Vetralla, Biella, Camerino and Montagano. The address of this federation:
- Federazione “ S.M. Maddalena de'Pazzi” dei Monasteri Italiani dell'Ordine dei Fratelli della B.V. Maria del Monte Carmelo
Via B.P. Caldarozzi, 32
00032 Carpineto Romano (RM)
Email: federalecarmelitaneitaliane@
Federal President
Sr M. Valentina della Croce
Nuestra Señora del Carmen Federation
The Nuestra Señora del Carmen in Latin America Federation was canonically erected on the 21st May, 2019. The monasteries of this federation are: Camaná-Peru, La Vega-Dominican Republic, Mayagüez-Puerto Rico, Porlamar-Venezuela, Santiago de Los Caballeros-Dominican Republic, Trujillo Alto-Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo-Dominican Republic, Azua-Dominican Republic and Barinas-Venezuela. The address of this federation:
Monasterio Carmelita
N.S. de America y San José
(Los Pinos, Cacique, Monción)
Apartado Postal 02
República Dominicana
- Tel. (+1) 829-344-0250/ 795-1620
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Mater Unitatis Federation
The Federation Mater Unitatis was erected on the 10th December, 1980. The monasteries belonging to this federation are: Caudete, Fontiveros, Huesca Asunción, Huesca san Miguel, Madrid, Onteniente, Valencia and Zaragoza. All these monasteries are located in Spain. The address of this federation:
Monasterio de la Encarnación del Verbo Divino
C. Balmes, 41
46001 Valencia
- Tel. (+34) 963912468
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