CITOC Archive (588)
Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Sutri and the Monastery of Vetralla, Italy
Written byElectoral Chapter of the Monastery of Sutri, Italy
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Sutri, Italy, was held 11 February 2019. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Martina Simeone, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Daniela Solustri, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. Teresa Lupo, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Daniela Solustri, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Teresa Lupo, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. M. Alessandra Foti, O.Carm.
Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Vetralla, Italy
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Vetralla, Italy, was held 11 February 2019. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Benedetta Succu, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. Marianna Caprio, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Giuseppina Sotgiu, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. M. Teresa Nguyen, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. M. Fiamma Piola, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. Marianna Caprio, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Teresa Nguyen, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. M. Fiamma Piola, O.Carm.
On the occasion of the first centenary of the Apostolic Letter, Maximum Illud, of Pope Benedict XV, Pope Francis has convoked a Special Missionary Month for October, 2019, that will have as its theme, "Baptized and Sent out: the Church of Christ on Mission in the World". On account of this, and by way of preparation for the said month, the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples and for Pontifical Missionary Works, has published a guide. The guide is divided into three parts, with an introduction that includes a number of quotations of what Pope Francis and Cardinal Filoni have said about mission in the Church today. In the first part, under the title, "The Encounter with Jesus Christ", there is a reflection on the liturgical readings for the month of October 2019. The second part presents a list of "witnesses to mission". The third part contains reflections on certain concrete questions in relation to the missionary dimension of the Church. The guide, in five languages, may be read at:
In the second section, among the twenty-five witnesses, two Carmelites appear: St. Therese of the Child Jesus, patroness of the missions, and Bl. Titus Brandsma who, at various times, manifested their desire to go to the missions but never went, for a number of reasons. Both examples show us how people can possess a missionary spirit and be involved in mission in and through ordinary daily life. May Carmel in the 21st century never be without that missionary spirit and the generosity necessary to give witness to the Good News of the Gospel!
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Antequera, Spain, was held 6 February 2019. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. Angelina Ngina Muli, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. Liliana M. Campos Rosa, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. Regina Nduku Maingi, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Liliana M. Campos Rosa, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Juliana Kavithe Mwololo, O.Carm.
On the recent 28th of January in the city of Panama, a Carmelite Youth Day was held, bringing together young people from different countries, belonging to different Carmelite movements, especially in Latin America. The Day was a joint celebration of Carmelites of the Ancient Observance and Discalced Carmelites. It was led by both Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm., and Saverio Cannistrà, O.C.D.. The theme of the day was taken from a phrase of St. Teresa de los Andes, God is infinite Joy.
The Carmelite Day began with a procession through the streets of the city with the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. During the course of the procession there were different moments in which there was celebration, or prayer and reflection. Various groups shared their folklore. As a continuation of the prayer and reflection of the morning, there was a “holy hour” of Eucharistic Adoration in the afternoon. The young Carmelites showed great maturity in being able to pass from joyous celebration in one moment to silence and adoration in an other. Later in the programme there was a solemn celebration of the Eucharist, led by Fr. Saverio, The Day ended with a brief festival of religious music.
From the offices of CITOC we would like to offer our thanks for the welcome and excellent hospitality we received from our Discalced brothers, which ensured the success of the Carmelite Day. The Carmelite Order has been present in different ways at each of the last five World Youth Days (Sydney, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, Krakow and Panamá. We are gearing up for the WYD in Lisbon in 2022!
The Carmelite International Commission for Evangelisation and Mission organized a workshop on the ministry of preaching in the Carmelite tradition at Casa São Nuno, Fatima (Portugal) from the 15th to the 18th January 2019. This event was based on chapter three of Evangelii Gaudium of Pope Francis with the title “The Need to Preach and the Art of Preaching.”
Each day had a separate theme beginning on the first day with the question of ‘proclamation’. The participants then continued by examining the ‘context’ of preaching, the tradition of preaching in the Order and finally our mission of preaching into the future. The principal speakers were: Fr. Timothy Radcliff, O.P. (author and former Master General of the Dominicans), Professor Donna Orsuto (The Lay Center and the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome), Carmelites Frs. Huub Welzen (Neer), Míceál O’Neill (CISA), Alexander Vella (Mel), Michael Plattig (Ger), John Keating (Curia), and Mr. Paolo Rocha (Communications Director of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference), Sabrina Rubio Peréz (Carmelite youth committee and JUCAR).
Each day a member of the commission led the different sessions: Sanny Bruijns (Neer), Fr. Conrad Mutizamhepo, Councillor General for Africa, Frs. Desiderio García Martínez (ACV), Klaus Schenkelberger (Gal). Frs. Klaus and Luca Sciarelli (Ita) led the liturgies. On one of the days, the Emeritus Carmelite Bishop of Beja, Mons. António Vitalino Fernandes Dantas celebrated the Eucharist for the group at the place of the apparitions. The Commissary General of Portugal, Fr. Ricardo Rainho, welcomed the participants and extended a generous and fraternal welcome to all. In all, there were forty-five, from different groups within the Carmelite Family, taking part in the workshop.
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Tàrrega, Spain, was held 14 December 2018. The following were elected:
Prioress: Sr. M. Caterina Loko Mwovi, O.Carm.
1st Councilor: Sr.M. Lourdes Pi i Tarradas, O.Carm.
2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Estrella Lavado Chavero, O.Carm.
Treasurer: Sr. Rosa Maria Mueni Ndambuki, O.Carm.
IMAGE: Nicola Bertucci, Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù, Santuario Carmelitano °Madonna delle Grazie°, Jesi, Italia
Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Santa Ignacia, Tarlac, Philippines
Written byThe Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Santa Ignacia, Tarlac, Philippines, was held 13 December 2018. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Teresa Margarita Medina, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. Arlene Marie Reporte, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. de San Jose Arquita, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Victoria San Diego, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Arlene Marie Reporte, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Mary Ann Inosanto, O.Carm.
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Ravenna, Italy, was held 24-25 November 2018. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Elisabetta Mambelli, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Anastasia Cucca, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Barbara Stella, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. M. Paola Teresa Laudicina, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. M. Elena Pasca, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Elisabetta Mambelli, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Anastasia Cucca, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. M. Barbara Stella, O.Carm.
On November 24, the members of the Supervisory Board of the so-called "Carmel Foundation" (Stichting Carmelcollege), an association that coordinates 14 schools and more than 35,000 students in Holland, visited our General Curia in Rome. The origins of the association go back to 1922, when Fr. Titus Brandsma and other Dutch Carmelites began to work in education and the first Carmelite schools were created in this country. The members of the committee, who were accompanied by Anne-Marie Boss, explained to the members of the General Council (Christian Körner, O.Carm., Michael Farrugia, O.Carm and John Keating, O.Carm.) the characteristics and objectives of this association, as well as the challenges that lie ahead.
The Prior General, Fr. Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm., expressed in turn the commitment of the Order in the field of education, informed them of the various initiatives that are being carried out in this area in various parts of the world and shared with them the need for a reflection on the "Carmelite identity" of our schools, especially in those areas where vocations are scarce and the provinces encounter personnel problems. He also thanked them on behalf of the Order for the work they are doing.
A Course on the management of the Cultural Heritage of the Carmelite Order
Written byThe Institutum Carmelitanum has organized, in collaboration with the Carmelite Library and the General Archive, a Course on the management of the Cultural Heritage of the Order to be held at the Centro Internazionale Sant'Alberto in Rome from February 26 (arrival) to 3 March (departures) 2019. The course is intended for the librarians of Carmelite libraries, the bibliographers of Carmelite subjects, the archivists of the current and historical archives of the Order and the directors of Carmelite museums. Soon the programme will be published on the Order's website. For information, contact Fr. Giovanni Grosso at the address: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.. Inscriptions must be sent to the same email address by the 10th of January 2019.
The 5th Assembly of ALACAR (Latin American Association of Carmelites) was held in the "Archdiocesan House María de Altagracia" in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) from November 6 to 11. This assembly is held regularly every three years in collaboration with the Discalced Carmelites. The theme of this assembly was "The martyrs of yesterday for today's Latin American Carmel: Edith Stein, Titus Brandsma and Oscar Romero." The lecturers were the two superiors general, Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm., and Saverio Cannistrà, OCD., Sister Sandra Henríquez, Carmelita Misionera from Chile and Bishop Oswaldo Escobar, OCD., of Chalatenango in El Salvador.
The meeting was attended by 120 people from almost every Latin American country, including religious men and women and lay people. Likewise, there was a small representation of the contemplative Carmelite nuns. In addition to the conferences and the group reflection, there were several very significant celebrations. For example, on the 9th, the Prior General led a solemn celebration of the Eucharist in the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, the first cathedral on the American continent, in which he expressed the desire to continue as Carmelites to serve the people of God in Latin America. In this sense, the group sent a letter of support to Bishop Silvio Baez, OCD., Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, on account of the difficult circumstances that are being experienced in Nicaragua.
Taking advantage of the presence of both General Superiors in Santo Domingo, on that same 6th of November, in the morning, a meeting took place in the Monastery of Santa Teresa in the capital with a large representation of nuns from the various monasteries of the Caribbean. The meeting consisted of a reflection on the Instruction "Cor Orans" and on other aspects of the cloistered life in Carmel. More than forty nuns participated in an atmosphere of joy and fraternity.
From the office of CITOC, we thank both General Councillors (P. Raúl Maraví O.Carm y P. Francisco Javier Mena, OCD), as well as the Carmelites in the Dominican Republic for their excellent work that ensured the success of this 5th ALACAR
The Spanish Episcopal Commission for Consecrated Life organized a Conference on Male and Female Monastic Life from the 4th to the 6th of October 2018 in order to put into practice the Apostolic Constitution of Pope Francis, Vultum Dei Quaerere and the Instruction, Cor Orans of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA). The aim was to help the contemplative nuns reach the proper goal of their specific vocation through Formation, the Federations and Associations, and the Cloister.
Those who attended the seminar included: Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, Secretary of the Congregation, who presented in a concrete and practical way the Instruction, Cor Orans and its application for the Cloistered Nuns; Jesus Catalá Ibáñez, Bishop of Málaga, President of the Commission for Consecrated Life of the Spanish Episcopal Conference; Cardinal Aquilino Bocos Merino, CMF. Msgr. Joaquín Mª López de Andújar, Bishop Emeritus of Getafe (Madrid), presented the Ordo Virginum in Spain and the Instruction Ecclesiae Sponsae Imago on the Ordo virginum.
The Carmelite Nuns of the Iberian Region who attended the Conference were: From the Federation Mater et Decor Carmeli, Sr. Mª Dolores Domínguez Pérez, President and Sr. Maria del Carmen del Toro Medina, Secretary; From the Federation Mater Unitatis, Sr. Maria del Sagrario Lorite Beltrán, President and Sr. Maria Mercedes Zárraga, Secretary; From the Verge Flor del Carmel Federation, Sr. Maria del Carmen Izquierdo Marín, President and Sr. Maria Juliana Kanini Kilonzo, Secretary.
The assistants to the Federations, Mater et Decor Carmeli and Mater Unitatis, Fr. Rafael Leiva Sánchez and Fr. Matías Tejerina Espeso also took part in this meeting.
On Monday, October 15, 2018 the Carmelites of the St Elias Province will celebrate the 20th Anniversary in Trinidad. A mass will be celebrated at 6:30pm at St. Michael’s parish in Maracas Valley where the Carmelites have served for many years. Fr Mario Esposito, O.Carm., the Prior Provincial of the Carmelites will be the celebrant. Parishioners from all the parishes the Carmelites have served in have been invited.
There are presently five Carmelites ministering in Trinidad in three parishes and one school. They are: Fr Gerard Tang Choon, O.Carm., Fr Hasely King, O.Carm., Fr. Brent Alexis, O.Carm. and Bro. Nigel Ali, O.Carm.. Fr Michael Kissane, O.Carm. is also ministering in Trinidad for several months.
In collaboration with the Corpus Christi Carmelites Sisters and the Lay Carmelites who have been in Trinidad for many more years, the Friars continue to share the Carmelite charism with the people of the wonderful country of Trinidad and Tobago.