CITOC Archive (588)
Appointment of President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts
Written byThe Holy Father, Pope Francis, appointed today President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts H.E. Msgr. Filippo Iannone, O. Carm, archbishop-bishop Emeritus of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo, currently adjunct secretary of the same Dicastery.
To Msgr. Filippo Iannone we offer our warmest congratulations on behalf of the whole Carmelite Family.
Christus resurrexit!
Resurrexit vere! Alleluia!
In Pascha Domini
A.D. 2018
Fernando Prior Generalis
Domusque Generalis Communitas
Image: Monastero carmelitano di Sogliano al Rubicone, Italia, Icona Le mirrofore, 2018
Electoral Chapter of the Carmelite Hermits of Monteluro, Italy
Written byThe Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Hermits of Monteluro, Italy, was held 26 March 2018. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Morena Ciullo, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. Teresa M. Lonardoni, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Maria Faroldi, O.Carm.
The Assembly of the Federation "Stella Maris", Philippines, was held 8 March 2018. The following were elected:
- President: Sr. M. Elena Tolentino, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Rescelia Garcia, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Dorotea Santiago, O.Carm.
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Camaná, Peru, was held 14 March 2018. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. : M. Máxima Ranilla Huamaní, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Eucaristía Solsona Granel, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Trinidad Huamani Condo, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. M. Hilda Condori Marca, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. Gabriela de Jesús Ramos Mamani, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. Gabriela de Jesús Ramos Mamani, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Trinidad Huamani Condo, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Carmen Teresa de la Cruz Cruces Montoya, O.Carm.
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Ostuni, Italy, was held 6-7 March 2018. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Daniela Denitto, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Maria Andrisani, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Giuseppina Cardone, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. M. Agnese Menolascina, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. M. Bernardetta Spagnuolo, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Teresa Sisto, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Agnese Menolascina, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Anna Visalli, O.Carm.
The Carmelite European Youth Committee (CEYC) met at the Curia Generalizia in Rome from the 2nd to the 4th of March last. They evaluated the work of the committee these past three years and they are now preparing for the next meeting of the “Awakening” project. This will take place at Aylesford, England from the 15th to 18th August, 2019. Details of which will be communicated to the European provinces later this year. This will be the third “Awakening” project for Carmelite youth in Europe, completing the projects that have already taken place at Fatima (Portugal) in 2014 and San Felice (Italy) in 2015. The project followed on from the European youth Pilgrimage of Hope in Rome in 2010 and the World Youth Day meeting in Madrid in 2011. The committee, with John Keating, O.Carm. as chair, are now developing a longer-term project to promote our spirituality among young people. To this end, the committee will meet again next November in Vila-Real, Spain. The members are: Sabrina Rubio Perez, Daniela Pereira, Tommaso Bacci and Carmelites; Dave Twohig, Luca Sciarelli and João Costa. Collaborating with the committee, at this time, is David Oliver, O.Carm. of the ACV Province.
From the 25th of February to the 1st of March, some seventy Carmelites from the different sectors and groups that make up the Venezuelan Carmel met in the in the Convento San José in Mérida (Venezuela). The theme of the meeting was "La experiencia de Dios en tiempos difíciles... el sufrimiento como fábrica de santidad" (The Experiencie of God in Difficult Times- suffering as a workshop of holiness”, The meeting was directed by Fr. Javier Villegas, O.Carm., of the Titus Brandsma General Delegation in Colombia. In the sessions the participants looked, through Carmelite eyes, at all that is happening at the moment in Venezuela. To get this meeting off the ground took a lot of work and effort as there were many difficulties to be overcome.
The participants included friars from the two missions that exist in Venezuela, from the Bética and the Catalonian provinces; Carmelite sisters from the two congregations that have houses in Venezuela - Carmelite Sisters of Mother Candelaria, (HCMC) and Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,(HCSCJ); Carmelite nuns and a broad representation of various groups of lay Carmelites.
At the end, the participants sent a message to the Carmelite Family in which they encourage everyone “to live in allegiance of Jesus Christ in the midst of every difficulty, (...) living out our spirituality authentically in the midst of the people, so in need of prophets of hope.”
The office of CITOC joins in this beautiful challenge, with prayer and fraternal affection.
Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Villalba del Alcor, Spain
Written byThe Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Villalba del Alcor, Spain, was held 21 February 2018. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. del Pilar Martín Gómez, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. del Mar Domínguez Castizo , O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. del Carmen del Toro Medina, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. M. Consuelo Pérez García, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. M. Inés de Jesús Vázquez Gallardo, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. del Carmen del Toro Medina, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Inés Vázquez Gallardo, O.Carm.
Yesterday, the 6th of February, in the presence of the Prior General of our Order, Fr. Fernando Millán Romeral O. Carm., of the Postulator General, Dr. Giovanna Brizi, the General Councilors for Europe and Asia (John Keating, O.Carm and Benny Phang Khong Wing, O.Carm.) and Fr. Ton Van der Gulik, O.Carm., representing the Dutch Province, the opening of the documents of inquiry regarding the alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Tito Brandsma in the Diocese of Palm Beach (Florida, USA) took place. All the documentation had been presented to the Congregation on January the 24th by the Vice Postulator of the cause of the miracle, Fr. Mario Esposito, O.Carm.
This very simple and yet solemn act took place at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (Congregatio Pro Causis Sanctorum). Later they were received by Monsignor Marcello Bartolucci, Archbishop Secretary of the Congregation, who invited the Carmelites to imitate the example of the life of Blessed Titus and to continue praying for this cause of canonization.
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Roxas, Philippines, was held 31 January 2018. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Catalina Elum, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Ana Abrogar, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Linda García, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Elena Santamaría, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. Linda García, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. M. Jenny Arcangeles, O.Carm.
From the 8th to the 10th of January 2018, the provincials, commissaries and delegates general of the European geographical area of the Order met at Centro Internazionale S. Alberto (CISA). This area meets every eighteen months to discuss matters of common interest and organization. The meeting began with a letter from the Prior General, Fr. Fernando Millán Romeral. Present were: Italia-Malta Region: Frs. Giovanni Grosso (Ita), Enrico Ronzini (Neap), Luciano di Cerbo (Brun), Alexander Vella (Mel). Iberian Region: Desiderio García Martínez (ACV), Luis Maza (Cat), Francisco Daza Valverde (Baet), Ricardo dos Reis Rainho (Lus). Northern European Region: Jan Brouns (Neer), Peter Schröder (Ger), Richard Byrne (Hib), Bogdan Meger (Pol), Kevin Alban (Brit), Gorazd Cetkovsky (BM), Klaus Schenkelberger (Gal).
The main topics addressed during these days included vocations, the European novitiate in Salamanca, the establishment of a house of initial formation in Rome for European students, the future of the Order in Europe and a reflection about the next General Chapter in 2019. The meeting was conducted under the presidency of the Councillor General for Europe, John Keating. Short presentations were given by Frs. Míceál O’Neill (on vocations), Desiderio García Martínez (on the novitiate) : also three speakers on the future in Europe - Alexander Vella , Kevin Alban, Francisco Daza Valverde; Giovanni Grosso (on patrimony), Jan Brouns (on ageing), Michael Farrugia (Procurator General), and Dr. Giovanna Brizi (Postulator General).
One special moment of during this intensive meeting was the presentation by Fr. Desiderio García Martínez of a beautifully illustrated book on the history of our European novitiate in Salamanca (Spain) by Fr. Matías Tejerina Espeso, O.Carm. (Prior, Salamanca).
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Seville, Spain, was held 10 January 2018.
The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Isabel Moreno de la Torre, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. de Cristo Rey Mora Pérez, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr M. Teresa Molina Sánchez., O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. Sonia Margarita Sevilla Ortiz, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. Hermelinda de M. Guadalupe Bal Pichiyá, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. Sandra María Gutiérrez Caldas, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Sonia Margarita Sevilla Ortiz, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Teresa Molina Sánchez, O.Carm.
During the Assembly of the Provincial Commissariat of Peru (PCM) held on 9-12 January 2018 were elected:
- Commissary Provincial: Fr. Miguel Bacigalupo, O.Carm.
- First Councilor: Fr. Floristan Guerrero, O.Carm.
- Second Councilor: Br. Rodolfo Aznarán, O.Carm.