CITOC Archive (588)
The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Paranavaí, Brazil, was held 10 October 2015. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. Derly de Paula Moreira, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. Edna Maria Lopes de Sousa, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. Maria do Carmo da Conceição , O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. Edna Maria Lopes de Sousa, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Edna Maria Lopes de Sousa, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Derly de Paula Moreira, O.Carm.
From July 23 to August 9 in Lima, Peru, a formation course was carried out for students and young formators in the Americas. The meeting covered issues in the field of academics, spirituality and psychology, as well as workshops on leadership, several pastoral experiences in poor areas of Lima and some cultural visits. Keynote speakers were John Welch, O. Carm., USA; and Carlos Mesters, O.Carm., Brazil, who spoke of the great Carmelite saints and the great figures of Mary, Elijah and Elisha. This first course was organized by Raul Maraví, O. Carm., General Councilor of the Americas, at the request of superiors, commissaries and delegates from the Americas. This meeting was attended by 23 friars from 10 different nations in the hemisphere, who enjoyed the internationality of the Order and a great fraternal atmosphere.
Also, from 26 to 31 October, the IV ALACAR Congress will be held in San Salvador, El Salvador (Central America), bringing together representatives of the O.Carm. and OCD families of Latin America: friars, nuns, religious and laity. The conference will focus in Saint Teresa of Jesus on the occasion of the V centenary of her birth. Both Fr. Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm., Prior General of the Carmelite Order, and Fr. Saverio Cannistrà, OCD, Superior General of the Discalced Carmelites, will be speakers at this important gathering.
Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Carpineto Romano, Italy
Written byThe Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Carpineto Romano, Italy, was held 21 September 2015. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. M. Noemi Malagesi, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Paola Ricci, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. Valentina Rossin, O.Carm.
- 3rd Councilor: Sr. M. Rosa Fois, O.Carm.
- 4th Couniclor: Sr. M. Carla Zinno, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Valentina Rossin, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. Anna Luisa Voltazza, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. M. Mihaela Catana, O.Carm.
Meeting of the Carmelite European Geographical Area in Rome
Written byThe Provincials, Commissaries and Delegates General of the European Geographical Area met together in Rome from the 16th to 18th September 2015. Having reflected on the current situation of the Order in each of the provinces, they discussed in detail the question of collaboration in the area of initial formation. A common European novitiate having been established in Salamanca, Spain, some years ago, they have now agreed to prepare the way for the establishment of a European International formation community for initial formation in Rome. Apart from their work in general assembly and in regional groups, the provincials were addressed by the Prior General, Fr. Fernando Millán Romeral, Fr. John Keating, Councillor General for Europe and Fr. Míċeál O’Neill, Prior of St. Albert’s International Centre in Rome, who also acted as chairman for the meeting. They also issued the following message to all Carmelite communities in Europe:
The Carmelite Provincials of Europe, meeting in Rome, from the 16th to the 19th of September, and fully aware of what is happening to the thousands of refugees who seek to find a welcome in our countries, make an appeal to all our communities, to live in the spirit of our constitutions (No.114). “Social reality challenges us. Attentive to the cry of the poor, and faithful to the Gospel, we must take our stand with them, making an option for the “little ones”. (...) to bring to our brothers and sisters a word of hope and salvation from their midst, more by our lives than by our words ... ; (...) allegiance to Jesus also means allegiance to the poor and to those in whom the face of Christ is mirrored preferentially.” Mindful that in the beginning we too were pilgrims, and urged by our contemplative and prophetic charism, we invite each community, to the extent that each one can, to be open to the kind of solidarity that this humanitarian situation demands and that the Church asks of us too.
Rome, 18th of September, 2015
With the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Saint Teresa of Jesus we come to the summit of the commemoration of this great Carmelite saint. Various news of CITOC-online has reported the initiatives celebrated in many Provinces of the Order. In addition, during the General Chapter of the Discalced Carmelites, our Prior General presided at the Eucharist in the “Holy place”, the birthplace of Saint Teresa. He was accompanied by Fr. Xavier Cannistrà, Superior General of the Teresian Carmelites who was just re-elected as Superior General. In this issue of our magazine, we dedicate a large part to this Saint of Carmel: a biography of her life, an article on her characteristics, and finally a portrayal of her as a woman of prayer.
Another great figure of more recent times was beatified on May 23, 2015, in El Salvador: Bishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero. His beatification, so long-awaited, gives us the opportunity to present two articles on his love and pious devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and a presentation of Carmel in El Salvador.
It was a great honor for the whole Order that Fr. Bruno Secondin, O.Carm, preached the retreat to Pope Francis and members of the Roman Curia. We are excited to share an article in which he shares with us this unique experience.
The history of Carmel has always responded to the challenges resulting from the changes of the historical moment. An example of this is the report on the merger of the two Institutes of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Carmelite Sisters of Grace. This issue also features another article on Carmelite nuns, presenting a look at the reality of our nuns in Asia.
In addition to these articles, and other information from around the world, we present a selection of top news, some of which was already published in CITOC-online, as we catch a glimpse of the current activities of the Order.
Carmelite European Youth meeting at San Felice del Benaco, Italy.
Written byFollowing the first part of the European Carmelite Youth programme “Awakening” held at Casa São Nuno, Fatima, Portugal in August 2014 with 58 participants, a second group gathered at San Felice del Benaco, Italy from the 19th to 23rd August 2015. This time there were 45 participants from the Italian, Neapolitan, Maltese and Polish Provinces (Italy, Malta, Romania and Poland), together with two sisters from the Instituto di Nostra Signora del Carmelo. The Prior General, Fr. Fernando Millán Romeral was present for two days and spoke to the participants about “Three witness of love” in our Carmelite tradition: Titus Brandsma, Edith Stein and Angelo Paoli. Fr. Miċeál O’Neill (Hib) presented the topic “Voices of Carmelite Women”: Teresa of Avila and Mary Magdalen de Pazzi. The members of the Carmelite European Youth Committee, Sabrina Rubio Perez, Victor Navarrro Poncela and Carmelites, Luca Sciarelli, Dave Twohig and Tommaso Bacci guided each day and also spoke on various topics including our Carmelite story, the Blessed Virgin Mary and lectio divina. The programme ended with Mass of the Sunday celebrated by the Prior General, with the young people and the local people in the beautiful Carmelite church at San Felice. The event was coordinated by the General Councillor for Europe, John Keating. The committee wish to express their gratitude to the community and the staff of “Il Carmelo” for the wonderful hospitality afforded to them at this spiritual centre of the Italian Province. To conclude a very successful programme three young women and two Carmelites of the Polish province gave a presentation on the forthcoming World Youth Day (WYD) that will take place in Krakow, Poland from 25th – 31st July 2016. They reminded the participants that it is now possible to register for the WYD through local dioceses or on the official international website. Groups wishing to participate in the WYD programme should do so through these agencies. Prior to the official events of the WYD, the Polish Province invites all Carmelite groups to participate in a special Carmelite Day on July 27th at their house in Krakow.
Those wishing to participate in this one-day Carmelite event have to make a separate registration for the Carmelite Day – for this and all other inquiries please visit www.sdm.karmelici.pl
Carmelite Youth Day 27th July in Kracow for the World Youth Day in 2016.
Written byThe World Youth Day (WYD) will take place in Krakow, Poland from 25th – 31st July 2016. It is now possible to register for the WYD through local dioceses or on the official international website. Groups wishing to participate in the WYD programme should do so through these agencies.
The Polish Carmelite Province wishes to extend a very warm welcome to young Carmelite groups attending this important occasion in 2016. Prior to the official events of the WYD, the Polish Province invites all Carmelite groups to participate in a special Carmelite Day on July 27th at their monastery in Krakow in the presence of Mary, Lady of Hope.
If you wish to participate in this one-day Carmelite event, please visit www.sdm.karmelici.pl
This website contains important information about the event, and allows for registration of groups for the Carmelite Day. It is important to note that registration for the Carmelite Day does not include registration for WYD programme. Each group must also register with the Central Committee of the World Youth Day in their local dioceses, or through the official international website.
During the Provincial Chapter of the Province of Indonesia held on 27 July-1 August 2015 were elected:
- Prior Provincial: Fr. Ignasius Budiono, O.Carm.
- Vice Prior Provincial: Fr. F.X. Hariawan Adji, O.Carm.
- First Councilor: Fr. Albertus Djono Moi, O.Carm.
- Second Councilor: Fr. Michael Moelja Hartomo, O.Carm.
- Third Councilor: Fr. Heribertus Supriyadi, O.Carm.
- Fourth Councilor: Fr. Albertus Medyanto, O.Carm.
The Ninth Annual Meeting of the Carmelite NGO, CISA - Rome, Italy
Written byOn June 22-23, 2015 the coordinating team of the Carmelite NGO held its annual meeting at CISA, Rome. The members who participated in the meeting were: Sr. Jane Ramson O.Carm., Fr. Conrad Mutizamhepo O.Carm., Mr. Dennis Kalob, Fr. Hariawan Adji O.Carm., Sr. Annah Theresa Nyadombo HOLMC, .Fr. Eduardo Agosta Scarel O.Carm., Fr. Arie Kuil O.Carm. and Mr. Andrea Ventimiglia. Sr. Blaise Fernando O.Carm., an NGO member, also attended the meeting.
In the meeting, Sr. Jane Ramson, the chair of the coordinating team, introduced Dennis Kalob as the new member of the organizing committee of the Carmelite NGO. Dennis Kalob takes over the responsibility of Sr. Helen Ojario O.Carm. as the representative of the Carmelite NGO at the UN. Besides discussing the regional reports, the finances, the themes of the 2016 Days of Prayer and the Carmengo bulletin, the meeting also discussed the UN programs on Sustainable Development Goals and the new encyclical of Pope Francis: Laudato Si. Sr. Jane Ramson reported that the Carmelite NGO has be asked to engage in a four year project on developing a curriculum on environmental issues. This curriculum is expected to be used in Carmelite schools in raising environmental awareness among students. A team which consists of Jane Ramson, Dennis Kalob, Eduardo Agosta Scarel, and Blaise Fernando was formed to carry out this project. The other members of the coordinating team (Conrad Mutizamhepo, Hariawan Adji, Annah Theresa Nyadombo, Arie Kuil and Andrea Ventimiglia) were asked to study how the Carmelite family deals with human trafficking issues. The result of this study is expected to be the foundation for a similar project, on the issue of human trafficking.
Flos Carmeli, vitis florigera,
splendor caeli, Virgo puerpera singularis.
Mater mitis, sed viri nescia,
Carmelitis esto propitia,
stella maris.
Fernando Prior Generalis
Domusque Generalis Communitas
16. VII. 2015
Image: Ceramic of Our Lady of Mount Carmel by Adam Kossowski at Aylesford Priory, England
The 25th Meeting of the Carmelite Family in the Betica Province, took place in the Carmelite Church in Hinojosa del Duque (Cordoba, Spain), with St. Teresa of Avila as the main theme. The church in Hinojosa (which contains the remains of some of the Carmelite martyrs beatified in 2013 in Taragona) was declared a “Jubilee Church” on account of the 5th centenary. Fr. Rafael Leiva, O.Carm., gave a lecture on the doctrine of St. Teresa to a large audience, from many different places.
The Carmelite College of José Galvez (Peru) has published a very beautiful calendar, in which there are sayings and prayers of St. Teresa, with the idea that the students can reflect on them, on their own or in a group throughout this year.
From the 28th of June to the 2nd of July of this year, in the seminary in Mundelein (Illinois. U.S.A.) a symposium was held, on the theme, “St. Teresa’ Gift to the 21st Century”. A number of experts such as Leopold Gluekert, O.Carm., Donna Orsuto, Steven Payne O.C.D. spoke at the symposium and opened up a variety of aspects of the saint’s life and doctrine. The symposium was organised by the Carmelite Institute of North America and was introduced by the Prior General Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm., and by the director of the Institute, Patrick McMahon, O.Carm.,
Lastly, from the 1st to the 4th of July, the 21st meeting of the Carmelite Family that the Iberian Region organise every year took place in Pozuelo (Madrid, Spain). This year the theme was, “Santa Teresa de Jesús, Mistica y Profeta” (St. Teresa of Jesus, Mystic and Prophet). More than a hundred Carmelites took part in the event (friars, sisters and lay people) from the whole of Spain, and Portugual, and countries of Latin America and from Africa. Talks were give on different themes connected with St. Teresa. The speakers included, Secundino Castro, O.C.D., Francisco Daza, O.Carm., and Salvador Ros, O.C.D..
photo: Symposium in Mundelein (Illinois. U.S.A.) - Fr. Fernando Millan, Prior General with a group of Carmelite Friars ans Sister from Trinidad and Tobago.
The Second Meeting of the Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
Written byThe Carmelite Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation met in Rome from 15-20 June 2015. Those in attendance were: Jane F Remson, O.Carm (COLMC - Carmelite NGO), Annah Theresa Nyadombo, (HLMC, Zimbabwe), Eduardo Agosta Scarel, O.Carm (ACV-Arg), Mark Zittle, O.Carm (SEL) Hariawan Adji, O. Carm (Indo) Florent Dundji Dhenyi, O. Carm (Italy-Con) and Conrad Mutizamhepo, O.Carm (General Councillor and Praeses).
The meeting began with a day of reflection on the theme: The Ministry of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in Carmel: Past, Present and Future – Challenges and Opportunities led by Fr Míceál O’Neill, O.Carm. Míceál gave a historical overview of Carmelite Justice and Peace work especially since the Vatican II chronicling the important developments emerging from the Council of Provinces, the General Congregation gatherings and General Chapters.
Thereafter the meeting addressed the issues on the agenda: reflection on the insights of Miceal’s presentation; listening to regional reports; collaboration between JPIC and Carmelite NGO; planning for the forthcoming Carmelite Family Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation meeting during 2017; analysis of the questionnaire on social and environmental issues that is intended to be send to members of the Carmelite Family in the near future; a discussion on the Pope’s new encyclical Laudato Si and how Carmelites can participate in sensitizing their communities to the issues concerning social and environmental justice issues which are constitutive of the proclamation of the Gospel. The Carmelite Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of creation supports His Holiness Pope Francis on writing a very timely document to raise awareness and call the whole world community to take note of the serious questions raised by social and environmental questions. The Pope does not just highlight the challenges but also proposes a change of course for the whole of humanity to avert disaster.
Electoral Chapter of the Monastery of Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Written byThe Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, was held 22 June 2015. The following were elected:
- Prioress: Sr. Lourdes M. De Jesús Crucificado Avilés Calderón, O.Carm.
- 1st Councilor: Sr. M. Antonia De Jesús Sacramentado Acevedo Lorenzo, O.Carm.
- 2nd Councilor: Sr. M. De la Trinidad Rodríguez Barbosa, O.Carm.
- Director of Novices: Sr. M. Antonia De Jesús Sacramentado Acevedo Lorenzo, O.Carm.
- Treasurer: Sr. M. De la Trinidad Rodríguez Barbosa, O.Carm.
- Sacristan: Sr. Monserrate M. del Corazón Crucificado de Jesús Lugo Millán, O.Carm.
During the Provincial Chapter of the Irish Province held on 21-25 June 2015 following earlier elections were confirmed:
- Prior Provincial: Fr. Richard Byrne, O.Carm.
- First Councilor: Fr. Brian McKay, O.Carm.
- Second Councilor: Fr. Fintan Burke, O.Carm.
- Third Councilor: Fr. Éanna Ó hÓbáin , O.Carm.
- Fourth Councilor: Fr. David Twohig, O.Carm.
- Commissary Provincial of Zimbabwe: Fr. Vitalis Tendai Benza, O.Carm.