In many parts of the world, the place where Carmelite friars live together is called a “friary” (in Italian: convento). Normally, friaries have a public church attached to them which is not the parish church. In these places, members of the faithful are welcomed to celebrate the Eucharist, the Prayer of the Church and other celebrations together with the Carmelite community of friars.
As with other Carmelites apostolates, these Carmelite friaries are often well-known for their life of brotherhood and prayer in the midst of the people, for their preferential service to the poor and the marginalised, for their special attention to issues concerning women and for their commitment to justice and peace.
They are particularly known for a care for those who show an interest in the spirit, the spiritual heritage and the life of Carmel. This is often expressed in their preaching of the Word of God and, of course, in the Marian preaching that takes place in these places. It is normal for days of recollection, talks on Carmelite spirituality, and moments of prayer to be arranged in these places and they are often recognised as Carmelite Spirituality Centres.
Information on some of the important centres is listed below.
Titus Brandsma Memorial
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Karmel Marienthal
Hamminkeln, Germany
Convento S. Lucia alla Castellina
Castello (FIorence), Italy
Carmelite Friary Kinsale
Cork, Ireland
The Carmelite Centre Melbourne
Middle Park, Victoria, Australia.