January 9 | Feast
Born in Florence at the beginning of the 14th century, he entered religious life in the Carmelite house in his native city. He was appointed Provincial of Tuscany in 1348 by the General Chapter meeting in Metz and the following year he was named bishop of Fiesole, near Florence. He governed his diocese well, becoming a model of charity and an eloquent preacher. He was distinguished by his zeal for the apostolate, his wise judgement and his love for the poor. He was admired and appreciated by everyone. Many people, rich or less well endowed, came to him as peacemaker after the many years of in-fighting and quarrelling which had ruined their families and their cities. He died on 6th January 1374 and was canonised on 29th April 1629.
For more on St. Andrew Corsini and his work
Books Available from Edizioni Carmelitane:
St. Andrew Corsini, Carmelite (c. 1302-72) A Documentary Biography Part I
By Patrick Mullins, O. Carm.
St. Andrew Corsini, Carmelite (c. 1302-72) A Documentary Biography Part II
By Patrick Mullins, O. Carm.