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Formation Commission

Global Plan of the General Council 2019-2025

Our spiritual masters have taught us a life of in obse­quio Jesu Christi, whose authentic meaning is that person­al encounter with Jesus Christ and discipleship is indis­pensable. This is the core of Carmelite formation. It is “a specific process through which a person learns to identify fully with the Carmelite ideal of life” (Con. 123), therefore it is “a continual process of conversion of heart and spir­itual transformation” (Con. 124). This formation should be presented in such a way that individuals can experience, understand and embrace it as a dynamic process which is to continue throughout their lives (RIVC, 19) enriched with the Carmelite tradition and grounded on the socio-anthro­pological-cultural context where the persons live.

To realize these formation ideals, we are once again challenged to live authentically the identity we constantly profess throughout our Carmelite history by way of focus­ing the formation in fostering and building praying and prophetic Carmelite communities for being able to be liv­ing witnesses of our Carmelite charism from one genera­tion to the next.

Benny Phang Khong Wing, O. Carm.


  1. To foster a formation at any level focused on building a prophetic and praying Carmelite community for the bet­ter service to the Church and society.
  2. To foster a formation at any level focused on being living and faithful witnesses of our Carmelite charism from one generation to the next.
  3. To introduce a new office and role of Delegate for For­mation created in the General Chapter 2019.
  4. To establish the Formation Commission and to work with them on the task of formulating a renewed ap­proach to formation by taking into account the resolu­tions and the recommendations of the General Chapter 2019, updated Constitutions 2019 and RIVC 2013.
  5. To continue programs based on mystagogical or experi­ential method for those in initial formation, for forma­tors, on-going formation, and vocation promoters re­gionally and/or internationally.
  6. To assess and assist in the development of the forma­tion programs in the Order in the collaboration with the formators, provincials and the general councillors for the geographical areas.
  7. To continue examining the issue of vocations, formation of formation personnel, criteria for formation in partic­ularly newly emerging entities.
  8. To foster the development of international formation ex­periences for those in initial formation as the expression of Carmelite brotherhood.


  • Benny Phang Khong Wing, O. Carm.
  • Owen Kudumba, O. Carm. (Zimbabwe)
  • Alejandro López-Lapuente Villalba, O. Carm. (AVC, Spain)
  • Roberto Noel Rosas, O. Carm. (Philippines)
  • Daryl Moresco, O. Carm. (PCM, USA)
  • Martin Pulickal, O. Carm. (India)

Gen Z Carmelite International Course

The Carmelite Gen Z International Course took place from November 15-19, 2021 for participants from Europe, Africa and the Americas and from November 22-26 for those from Asia, Australia and Oceania.

The General Formation& Moderators were: José Cláudio de Alencar Batista, O. Carm., Delegate General, São Cristóvão, Brazil; Alejandro Lopez Lapuente Villalba, O. Carm., Salamanca, Spain; Robert Noel Rosas, O. Carm., Manila, The Philippines; Martin Pulickal, O. Carm., Thrissur, India; Daryl Moresco, O. Carm., Washington, D.C., USA and Benny Phang , O. Carm., President, Rome, Italy.

The keynote speakers, who spoke at the course, from Brisbane, Washington DC and Rome, were Cicilia Evi Yuwono, Brian Rhude, Benny Phang , O. Carm., Craig Morrison, O. Carm. and Donna Lynn Orsuto.

The Carmelite Gen Z from America, Africa, Europe who joined the meeting were: Daniel Ulises, O. Carm (El Salvador), João da Costa, O. Carm. (Portugal), Luca Zerneri, O. Carm. (Spain), Ashley Salima, O. Carm. (Zimbabwe), and in representation of Asia, Australia and Oceania participated: Joseph Tuan Bui, O. Carm. (Vietnam), John Lorenzo Morales, O. Carm. (Filipinas), Justin Shaji, O. Carm. (India) and Thomas Onggo, O. Carm. (Indonesia).

The conferences were held at Zoom for 5 days:

15 & 22 November 2021
Psychological Perspective of Gen Z
16 & 23 November 2021
Cultural Realities of Gen Z
Morality for Gen Z
17 & 24 November 2021
Meet & Talk to Gen Z
Mapping the Generational Challenge
18 & 25 November 2021
Jesus Walks with Gen Z
Sharing the Gift of Carmel with Gen Z
19 & 26 November 2021
Final Statement,
Lectio Divina,

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