The Provincial Commissary of Perú (PCM) Celebrates Its Annual Meeting and Holds Elections
The Carmelites of the Provincial Commissariat of Perú (PCM) celebrated their annual meeting which included the triennial elections on January 11, 2024. The gathering, was held at Villa Carmelitas in Lurín. Míċéal O'Neill, the prior general, accompanied by Luis Maza Subero, the Councillor for the Americas, participated.
The Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary established the Order in Perú in 1949.
The following members were elected to leadership at the meeting:
Commissary Provincial | Comisario Provincial | Commissario Provinciale
Raúl Maravi Cabrera, O. Carm.
1st Councilor | 1er Consejero | 1o Consigliere
Miguel Bacigalupo del Corral, O. Carm.
2nd Councilor | 2do Consejero | 2o Consigliere
Eduardo Rivero Cárdenas, O. Carm.