The Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of Santa Ana Celebrated Their Triennial Elective Chapter on May 15, 2024
The monastery was founded in Paterna del Campo (Huelva) in 1537, with nuns of the community of the monastery of Bethlehem (Seville) which itself was founded in 1513. After 59 years in Paterna the nuns moved to Seville “because the poverty of that place could not give the nuns what they needed.”
The Carmelites arrived in Seville on July 26, 1594, the feast of St. Anne. They stayed in a house in Rosario Street for 12 years when they moved to the present monastery's location in “the neighborhood of San Lorenzo on the street now named after the monastery. That move was made on September 9, 1606, while Master Fray Alonso de Bohórquez was Provincial of Andalusia. His authority facilitated the move and it was accomplished with little difficulty.”
The monastery has distinguished itself by the many foundations that it has made through the centuries spreading Carmel.
The results of the elective chapter were as follows:
Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sor María Teresa Molina Sánchez, O. Carm.
1st Councilor | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sor María Isabel Moreno de la Torre, O. Carm.
2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera | 2ª Consigliera:
Sor María de Cristo Rey Mora Pérez, O. Carm.
3rd Councilor | 3ª Consejera | 3ª Consigliera:
Sor Hermelinda de María Guadalupe Bal Pichiyá, O. Carm.
4th Councilor | 4ª Consejera | 4ª Consigliera:
Sor Blanca de Jesús Toro Sierra, O. Carm.
Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sor Hermelinda de María Guadalupe Bal Pichiyá, O. Carm.
Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sor María Isabel Moreno de la Torre, O. Carm.
Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Sor Eliana Patricia López Agudelo, O. Carm.