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Displaying items by tag: Elections

Wednesday, 05 February 2025 11:48

Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns in Sutri Held

Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns of Concezione Monastery in Sutri, Italy Held

The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of the SS Concezione in Sutri (Italy) was held on February 2, 2025, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple.

The monastery was founded in 1515 or, possibly 1489 by the Carmelites of the Congregation of Mantua who had a house of the Congregation in Sutri. St. Paul of the Cross, the founder of the Congregation of the the Passionists, gave spiritual exercises and meditations at the monastery. In 1641 Sr. Clara Androsilla and other sisters founded the Veliternine monastery.

More recently, the nuns of the Carpineto Romano monastery came to help restore the community of Sutri which was close to closing.

The monastery belongs to the S.M. Maddalena de' Pazzi Federation.

The following nuns were elected:

Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sr M. Martina del Sacro Cuore, O. Carm.

1st Councilor | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sr Teresa di Gesù Bambino, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera 2ª Consigliera:
Sr M. Francesca Romana della Redenzione, O. Carm.

Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sr Teresa di Gesù BambinoO. Carm.

Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sr M. Martina del Sacro Cuore, O. Carm.

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Wednesday, 05 February 2025 11:25

Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns in Hudson Held

Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns of Sacred Heart Monastery in Hudson, Wisconsin Held

The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of the Sacred Heart in Hudson, Wisconsin (USA) was held on January 7, 2025. Bishop James Powers of Superior presided.

The Carmel of the Sacred Heart was established in the Diocese of Superior by the Carmel of Allentown in August 1963. It celebrated its 60th anniversary on July 16, 2023.

The website for the monastery is

The following nuns were elected:

Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sr Patricia Erickson, O. Carm.

1st Councilor | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sr Sheryl Guzek, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera 2ª Consigliera:
Sr Grace Rocha, O. Carm.

Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sr Lucia LaMontagneO. Carm.

Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sr Lucia LaMontagne, O. Carm.

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Wednesday, 27 November 2024 08:06

Triennial Chapter of the Nuns in Aracena Held

Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of Santa Catalina in Aracena, Spain Held

The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Santa Catalina in Aracena, Spain was held on November 18-19, 2024. Fr. Emilio Rodriguea Claudio, OSA, vicar general and episcopal vicar for Contemplative Life in the Diocese of Huelva presided. Eight nuns of the community participated.

Various decisions were taken. Among these was to work on ongoing formation and within it to deepen the community's identity according to the charism and the teachings of the Carmelite saints.

The Aracena monastery was founded when two pious sisters of the Castilla Infante family, with the assistance of a religious, opened a house on their property. On Feburary 21, 1536, the house became official, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel. It was annexed to the church of St. Catherine by Cardinal Alphonso Manrique, the Archbishop of Spain. The monastery has founded other monasteries in Andalucia (Southern) Spain, Portugal, and Kenya.

The monastery belongs to the Mater et Decor Carmeli Federation. The website for the monastery is

The following nuns were elected:

Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sor Elena M. López Font, O. Carm.

1st Councilor  | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sor Ma. Remedios Álvarez Soríano, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera 2ª Consigliera:
Sor Ma. Victoria Escamilla Martín, O. Carm.

Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sor Ma. Victoria Escamilla MartínO. Carm.

Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sor Elena Ma. López Font, O. Carm.

Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Sor Ma. Remedios Álvarez Soríano, O. Carm.

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Triennial Chapter of the Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of Santo Stefano in Ravenna, Italy Held

The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of Santo Stefano in Ravenna, Italy was held on November 21, 2024. The archbishop of Ravenna-Cervia, Lorenzo Ghizzoni, presided.

In 1760 the Carmelite Peter Tombi gathered pious young women in the village of Molinella, near Bologna, who lived as Third Order Carmelites. In May 1773 they moved to Ravenna. By 1840 the group became members of the Order, receiving the papal enclosure. On July 24, 1857, Pope Pius IX visited the nuns along with other nuns who had been brought there. In 1976 nuns from St. Stefano assisted in the founding of the Carmelite monastery in La Vega, Philippines. In 1992, other sisters assisted in the founding of the monastery in Sogliano al Rubicone.

The monastery belongs to the S. M. Maddalena de' Pazzi Federation.

The following nuns were elected:

Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sr M. Anastasia de Gerusalemme Cucca, O. Carm.

1st Councilor  | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sr M. Elisabetta Mambelli, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera 2ª Consigliera:
Sr M. Paola Teresa Laudicina, O. Carm.

Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sr M. Anastasia di Gerusalemme CuccaO. Carm.

Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sr M. Elisabetta Mambelli, O. Carm.

Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Sr M. Barbara Stella, O. Carm.

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The Elective Chapter of the Carmelite Monastery of St. Ann in Carpineto Romano was held on September 21, 2024, the feast of St. Matthew, Apostle.

The monastery was founded in April 1979 with nuns from the monastery of Aesinati. It was named after St. Ann. It was first located in the rectory of St. John the Evangelist parish. It was officially approved on December 11, 1985 by the Congregations and the bishop made it official on March 19, 1986. In 1992 the new monastery of Cerreto was started and in 2005 the new foundation of Biella was made.

The monastery belongs to the St. M. Magdalen de' Pazzi Federation. More information about the monastery and the nuns' lives can be found at:

The following were elected:

Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sr M. Valentina Rossin, O. Carm.

1st Councilor  | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sr M. Noemi Malagese, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera 2ª Consigliera:
Sr M Paola Ricci, O. Carm.

3rd Councilor | 3ª Consejera 3ª Consigliera:
Sr M. Agnese Talano, O. Carm.

4th Councilor | 4ª Consejera 4ª Consigliera:
Sr Ana Mihaela Tiba, O. Carm.

Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sr M. Agnese Talano, O. Carm.

Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sr M. Noemi Malagese, O. Carm.

Sacristans | Sacristanas | Sacrestane
Sr M. Carla Zinno, O. Carm. e (vice) Anna Luisa Voltazza, O. Carm.

Published in Announcements (CITOC)

The Provincial Chapter of the Italian Province was held in Istituto Madonna del Carmine “Il Carmelo” (Sassone, Rome) from Sunday, 17th June until Saturday, 22nd June 2024.

The theme for this chapter was “Non temere … Alzati” (Mt 1, 20;3,13) which was seen as having three steps: dreaming, discerning, converting (sognare, discernere, convertirsi).  In the preparation for the chapter, the Province chose the figure and witness of St Joseph. During the first two full days of the chapter, various reports were presented from the Prior Provincial, the Commissary Provincial of the DR Congo, the delegate in Columbia and the prior of the community in Romania and the Provincial Bursar. 

On the third day (Wednesday), the gremiales joyfully approved the request to erect the DR Congo as a new province in the Order. They also agreed to take the steps necessary to establish the Carmelite presence in Columbia as a provincial commissariat. This same day, Professor Fabrizio Carletti (Centro Studi Missione Emmaus) gave a presentation to the gremiales regarding how the Province might initiate a pastoral process of discernment in order to create a vision for this age. 

On Thursday, the chapter was joined for the day by other members of the Carmelite Family who represented the nuns, Third Order, affiliated congregations, youth committees and other lay groups working within the area of the Italian Province. There was a strong desire that the communion of the Carmelite Family would be reinforced so that we could journey together in co-responsibility.

On Friday, the gremiales elected the new government for the next three years. They also worked to write a letter to the Carmelite Family outlining the joy of their week together.

The following members were elected to leadership at the meeting:

Prior Provincial | Prior Provincial | Priore Provinciale
Gian Domenico Meloni, O. Carm.

Vice Prior Provincial | Vice Prior Provincial | Vice Priore Provinciale
Giuseppe Midili, O. Carm.

1st Councilor | 1er Consejero | 1Consigliere
Giampiero Molinari, O. Carm

2nd Councilor | 2do Consejero | 2Consigliere
Henry Venecia Cerro, O. Carm.

3rd Councilor | 3er Consejero | 3Consigliere
Nicola Sozzi, O. Carm.

4th Councilor | 4to Consejero | 4Consigliere
Francesco Sciarelli, O. Carm.

pdf Here is the Final Message of the Provincial Chapter of the Italian Province (236 KB)

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
On June 14, 2024, feast of St. Elisha, the elective Chapter of the Carmelite nuns of the Monastery of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Grace, in Caudete, Spain, took place.
The monastery was founded by the Carmelite Ioanne Baptista Feliu on December 22, 1914, with nuns from Onteniente, Spain, including his own sibling, Joachima Feliu. They were expelled in the revolution of 1931. They were forced again to abandon the monastery during the Spanish Civil War and returned to find both church and monastery in ruins.
The results of the elective chapter were as follows:
Prioress | Priora | Priora:  
Sr. Josefina Marco Navarro, O. Carm.

1st Councilor  | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sr. Cristina Conejero Rodríguez, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera 2ª Consigliera:
Sr. Estela Santos Torres, O.Carm.

Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sr. Estela Santos Torres, O.Carm.

Formator | Formadora | Formatrice

Sr. Rosario Sivó Medina, O. Carm.

Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Sr. Cristina Conejero Rodríguez, O. Carm.

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During the first full assembly of the General Delegation of Bohemia and Moravia, held on April 16-18, 2024, (CITOC 68/2024), the participants discussed leadership for the Delegation.

Following consultation of the members, the General Council appointed Fr. Serafim Smejkal to be the new General Delegate. Fr. Marian Masařík and Fr. Vojtěch Kodet were appointed as his councilors.

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The Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of Santa Ana Celebrated Their Triennial Elective Chapter on May 15, 2024

The monastery was founded in Paterna del Campo (Huelva) in 1537, with nuns of the community of the monastery of Bethlehem (Seville) which itself was founded in 1513. After 59 years in Paterna the nuns moved to Seville “because the poverty of that place could not give the nuns what they needed.”

The Carmelites arrived in Seville on July 26, 1594, the feast of St. Anne. They stayed in a house in Rosario Street for 12 years when they moved to the present monastery's location in “the neighborhood of San Lorenzo on the street now named after the monastery. That move was made on September 9, 1606, while Master Fray Alonso de Bohórquez was Provincial of Andalusia. His authority facilitated the move and it was accomplished with little difficulty.”

The monastery has distinguished itself by the many foundations that it has made through the centuries spreading Carmel.

The results of the elective chapter were as follows:

Prioress | Priora | Priora:  
Sor María Teresa Molina Sánchez, O. Carm.

1st Councilor  | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sor María Isabel Moreno de la Torre, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera 2ª Consigliera:
Sor María de Cristo Rey Mora Pérez, O. Carm.

3rd Councilor | 3ª Consejera 3ª Consigliera:
Sor Hermelinda de María Guadalupe Bal Pichiyá, O. Carm.

4th Councilor | 4ª Consejera 4ª Consigliera:
Sor Blanca de Jesús Toro Sierra, O. Carm.

Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sor Hermelinda de María Guadalupe Bal Pichiyá, O. Carm.

Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sor María Isabel Moreno de la Torre, O. Carm.

Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Sor Eliana Patricia López Agudelo, O. Carm.

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Friday, 09 February 2024 08:09

The Province of Malta Celebrates Its Elections

The Province of Malta Celebrates Its Elections in First Part of the Provincial Chapter

During the first part of the Provincial Chapter held February 5-9, 2024, the elections of the leadership of the Province of Malta took place. The gathering was held at the Dar il-Ħaninn Samaritan Center of the Society of Christian Doctine (M.U.S.E.U.M.) whose founder was St. George Preca, a Third Order Carmelite. During the meetings, the elections for the the prior provincial and councilors were held.  

Míċéal O'Neill, the prior general, accompanied by Richard Byrne, the Councillor for the Europe, also participated as did Michael Farrugia, procurator general and member of the province.

The following members were elected to leadership at the meeting:

Prior Provincial | Prior Provincial | Priore Provinciale
Charles Mallia, O. Carm.

1st Councilor | 1er Consejero | 1Consigliere
Maurice Abela, O. Carm

2nd Councilor | 2do Consejero | 2Consigliere
Martin D. Schembri, O. Carm.

3rd Councilor | 3er Consejero | 3Consigliere
Alexander Scerri, O. Carm.

4th Councilor | 4to Consejero | 4Consigliere
Ivan Scicluna, O. Carm.

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