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Displaying items by tag: Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission, JPIC

Friday, 12 April 2024 08:14

JPIC Conference Deadline Approaches

Reminder: April 30th Deadline for Registering for the July 2024 JPIC Conference

The General Commission for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creaction wishes to remind interested members about the JPIC Congress to be held in Fatima, Portuga in July 2024. The deadline for registration is April 30, 2024.

The theme of the Congress is The Carmelite Journey Towards Individual and Collective Ecological Conversion: Social and Environmental Challenges and Responses Today. It is an opportunity to study recent pronouncements in Catholic Social Teaching which calls each person to both individual and collective integral ecological conversion. As Christians and Carmelites we are invited to contribute to the search for an understanding of the world around us and to seek ways of journeying in solidarity with the suffering of the poor.

There are three main objectives for holding this JPIC Congress for the Carmelite Family:

  • to come together, listen to one another, discern and learn from Scripture, the Carmelite Spirituality, Catholic Social Teaching and one another on the social and environmental issues;
  • to engage with the Carmelite JPIC Handbook in responding to the social and environmental challenges;
  • to build JPIC network in the Carmelite Family

The International Congress is scheduled to be held at Casa São Nuno in Fatima, Portugal July 18 (day of arrival) through July 25 (day of departure), 2024. The Congress is open to members of the Order and the members of the affiliated Congregations and Institutes.

The cost of the event is €827. Payment can be made via IBAN to the Carmelite Curia in Rome. (Information for sending payment is below.) Participants are responsible for their travel. Those who need a visa to enter the EU should contact Fr. Ricard dos Reis Raiho at Casa São Nuno (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Conrad Mutizamhepo, O. Carm., is the praeses of the General JPIC Commission. Other members are: Christian Buenafe (Phil), Eduardo Agosta Scarel (ACV), Franciscus X. Hariawan Adji (Indo), José Luis Gutierrez Berrendero (Laico-Baet).

To pay for the Congress:

Name of Bank: BANCA POPOLARE di SONDRIO Ag. 11
Via Carlo Alberton. 6/a
00185 Roma, Italia
Bank account holder: Curia Generalizia dei Carmelitani
Via Giovanni Lanza, 138
00184 Roma, Italia
Bank Account Number: 3147X53
IBAN CODICE: IT58 R056 9603 2000 0000 3147X53 (Internationale)
Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Tuesday, 06 February 2024 08:33

JPIC Webinar on Christian Spirituality

The next Carmelite JPIC Webinar will take place on February 17, 2024.
The Webinar will focus on "Christian Spirituality and Human Rights", the third theme on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) in preparation for the 2024 Carmelite Family JPIC Congress.
Online registration in this link:
Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Monday, 23 October 2023 12:08

JPIC Commission Sponsoring Webinar in November

The second theme on Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation in preparation for the 2024 JPIC Carmelite Family Congress will be held online on November 4, 2023. Registration is through the QR code found on the advertisement.

The theme of the meeting is The Work of Integral Ecology of a Grassroots Carmelite NGO: Karit Solidarios por la paz (Spain).

The main presented is Esther Martin Lozano, the General Secretary for Karit.

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Friday, 20 October 2023 09:02

JPIC Holds First Meeting Since Covid

October 14-15, 2023

Carmelite General Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Holds First Meeting Since Covid

The members of the General Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation met at the General Curia, Rome, from October 14-15, 2023. This meeting was the first in-person meeting for the members  since the outbreak of the coronavirus in 2019. Our major task was to plan for the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation International Carmelite Family Congress set for Casa Sao Nuno, Fatima, Portugal from July 18-25, 2024. The theme of the Congress will be: Carmelite Journey Towards Individual and Collective Ecological Conversion: Social and Environmental Challenges and Responses Today.

At the end of our deliberations we put out a statement on the current and ongoing world conflicts. (See CITOC online n. 145) In that statement we deplore war and the carnage that comes with it in terms of loss of human lives, many of them innocent, as well as the wanton destruction of homes and infrastructure. We called for cessation of acts of war and violence and pray that dialogue is given a chance so that nations and communities can return to justice and peace.

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Monday, 16 October 2023 08:19

Statement of the JPIC on Current World Conflicts

Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation Commission of the Carmelite Order 

We members of the International Carmelite Commission for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, gathered in Rome from October 13-16 to plan the tasks for the coming year, would like to send you our message of peace, solidarity and fraternity for our brothers and sisters killed and wounded through acts of terrorism and war.

We make the Pope Francis' words our own:

Let the attacks and weapons cease, please, because it must be understood that terrorism and war bring no solutions, but only to the death and suffering of many innocent lives. War is a defeat, every war is a defeat.

The total siege of vulnerable civilian populations on either side only demonstrates the political incapacity and moral immaturity of governments and adds yet another failure to the history of the international community in building a peaceful and prosperous world through justice, global solidarity, respect for human dignity and the common good.

As Carmelites we never forget that righteousness and peace will embrace and, therefore, our work for justice contributes to the construction of a peaceful world (cf. Const. 120). “It is also an expression of “the little ones” (minores) of history, so that we may speak a word of hope and of salvation from their midst more by our life than by our words”. (Const. 24).

In times of pain and sadness due to the violence unleashed, let us pray to God for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, for our Ukrainian and Russian brothers and sisters, the brutalized citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the fratricides of peoples of the two Sudans, Myanmar and Haiti, and for so many peoples in our common home.  We pray and call on the different sides of the conflicts to engage in dialogue and sue for peace in order to cease the escalation of death and horror and return to the path of justice and peace.

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Monday, 19 June 2023 07:16

JPIC Webinar on "Common Good, Common Home"

On July 1, 2023, (2 pm Central Europe) the Carmelite JPIC Webinar will take place with the theme "Common Good, Common Home. Prophetic Advocacy in the Church and the Carmel".

The webinar is organized by Fr. Eduardo Agosta Scarel, O. Carm, who is the Advocacy Senior Advisor for the Laudato Si’ Movement (Vatican City) and a Climate Researcher for the National Research and Technique Council (CONICET, Argentina). 

Eduardo is an expert in climate variability with more than 20 years of experience in climate research and its impacts on different regions of the planet. 

The General Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) of the Carmelite Order serves under the direction of the responsible and General Councillor for Africa, Fr. Conrad Mutizamhepo, O.Carm. and all its members, with the international community through the Carmelite NGO at the United Nations and with the other NGOs within the Carmelite Family towards the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals in Carmelite ministries worldwide especially in the areas of education, religious freedom and human rights, among other aspects contained in the Global Plan of the General Council 2019-2025.

"Common Good, Common Home. Prophetic advocacy in the Church and the Carmel". First theme on Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) in preparation for the 2024 JPIC Carmelite Family Congress.
1 July 2023, 2 pm CET
Published in Announcements (CITOC)

On February 15, a small commission was created to work in the area of Justice, Peace, and the Integrit of Creation in Latin America and the Carribean. This commission, made up of members from the Carmelite Family, has the task of encouraging the communities to be more aware of the Order's JPIC work.

In its first meeting which was held online Eduardo Andrés Agosto Scarel, O. Carm., gave some guidelines for working in the area of justice as well as informed us about the work which he does regarding the environment. Eduardo also outlined how members might work in this field and gave updated information about the NGO of the Carmelite Family.

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Friday, 26 November 2021 10:44

JPIC Commission Webinar On Human Rights

The Webinar on Human Rights organized by the Carmelite Commision for JPIC of Asia, Australia and Oceania will take place this upcoming Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 12:00 hrs. (Rome, Italy, GMT +1).

During this webinar the members of the Comission for JPIC and participants will share their perpectives on human rights and will provide us with some illumination on challenges the members of the Carmelite family worldwide are experiencing in their lives.

P. Míċéal O'Neill, O.Carm., Prior General, will present the conference "JPIC and Human Rights: A Carmelite Perspective," and Fr. Christian Buenafe, JPIC Convener, from the Philippine Province will speak about "JPIC and Human Rights Work: Philippine Province."

The Asia-Australia-Oceania Geographic Area JPIC commission was formed in April 2021. The Commission has identified three areas to focus it's work in this sexennium (2019-2025), namely human rights, environment, and culture and religion as part of our JPIC work. This is the first initiative involving the whole Carmelite family in the Geographic area as a commission.

The Carmelite Order General Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) works in the person of the General Councillor responsible, Fr. Conrad Mutizamhepo, O.Carm. and all his members, with the international community through the Carmelite NGO at the United Nations and with the other NGOs within the Carmelite Family towards promoting Sustainable Development Goals in Carmelite ministries around the world especially in the areas of education, religious freedom and human rights, among other aspects contained in the Global Plan of the General Council 2019-2025.

To connect to the Zoom Meeting:

ID #873 0782 4093

Passcode: 255294


Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Monday, 13 September 2021 07:24

New JPIC Commission In Asia

Inspired by the Carmelite Constitutions, the other documents of the Order, and the invitation by the JPIC International Commission to coordinate, animate and foster JPIC networking in different Geographical Areas of the Order, the Asia-Australia-Oceania Geographic Area (AAO) has formed a JPIC Commission for the Area comprising members from all the Provinces and Commissariats of the Geographic Area.

The members of the Commission are:

Hariawan Adji (Indonesia) Convenor
Agedo Bento (Australia-Timor-Leste) Secretary
Christian Buenafe (Philippines),
Babu Payikkattu (St. Thomas, India),
Manuel Karippote (General Commissariate, STSA, India),
Paskalis Patut (East Indonesia, Flores)
Joseph Tri Phan (Vietnam).

The Commission has had two meetings so far (29 April and 5 August 2021). In the initial meetings an assessment was completed of the current JPIC initiatives in the area and taking into consideration, the special nature of the Geographical Area, after fruitful discussions, we have identified three major areas of our work for the coming years namely, Human Rights, Environment and Religion and Culture.

The Commission has decided to meet three times a year and the next meeting is scheduled for 29 October 2021. In order to promote JPIC programs in the Area we are organising a webinar on Human Rights’ Issues for the whole Carmelite Family which is due on Saturday 27 November 2021.

The Prior General Míceál O'Neill will speak on “JPIC and Human Rights’ Issues from a Carmelite Perspective” and Christian Buenafe O. Carm will speak on “Human Rights’ Issues from the Ground, a Philippines Perspective”.

Published in Announcements (CITOC)

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