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Displaying items by tag: asia

On August 26, 2024, the Carmelite nuns of the monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Tambacan, Burgos, Pangasinan, Philippines held there triennial elective Chapter. The local bishop, Napoleon Sipalay, Jr., OP, the bishop of Alaminos presided. Twelve nuns with both active and passive voice and four nuns with passive voice only participated.

The monastery was founded on May 1, 1993 with nuns from the monastery of Guiguinto. It was canonically erected on May 6, 1993. It belongs to the Federation of Stella Maris.

More information about the monastery and the nuns' lives can be found at:

The following were elected:

Prioress | Priora | Priora:
Sr Ma. Barbara C. Pulido, O. Carm.

1st Councilor  | 1ª Consejera | 1ª Consigliera:
Sr Ma. Elena de la Eucaristia Z. Tolentino, O. Carm.

2nd Councilor | 2ª Consejera 2ª Consigliera:
Sr Ana Maria del Sagrado Corazon D. Bernardo, O. Carm.

3rd Councilor | 3ª Consejera 3ª Consigliera:
Sr Ma. Florencia Giuseppe M. Cruz, O. Carm.

4th Councilor | 4ª Consejera 4ª Consigliera:
Sr Ma. Leonora of the Holy Trinity J. Borlongan, O. Carm.

Treasurer | Ecónoma | Economa
Sr Ma. Elena de la Eucaristia Z. Tolentino, O. Carm.

Formator | Formadora | Formatrice
Sr Miriam Therese of the Holy Spirit C. Albeza, O. Carm.

Sacristan | Sacristana | Sacrestana
Sr Ma. Florencia Giuseppe M. Cruz, O. Carm.

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Friday, 15 December 2023 14:21

Cooperative Learning in Formation Studied

On November 27, 2023, the Asia-Australia-Oceania Formation Commission organized an on-line webinar on Cooperative Learning in Carmelite Formation. This was one of many on-line events coordinated by the Commission. The Formation Commission has already conducted on-line student and formator gatherings, the Titus Brandsma webinar series and an on-line gathering of vocation promoters from the geographic area.

The presentation on “Cooperative Learning” was given by Dr. Anita Lie, a professor from the Widya Mandala Catholic University in Surabhaya, Indonesia. Using “cooperative learning,” a teaching method as well as guidelines from the RIVC, our Carmelite formation manual, Dr. Lie encouraged the formators to form the students through collaboration and to reflect on their formative experiences in cooperative groups. According to Dr. Lie, one of the goals of formation is to free the formandi, not only from the state of not knowing but also from dependence on the formator. Ultimately this moves into a spirit of interdependence in the community. Using ‘mentimeter’ the interactive presentation software, Dr. Lie showed what formators can do to introduce the cooperative learning techniques in Carmelite formation.

All the formators from Asia-Australia-Oceania, 60 in total, along with the priors of the formation houses participated in this interactive session. The presentation was was well- appreciated. The group recommended that cooperative learning be one of the tools for our formation program.

The Formation Commission is now organizing a week-long gathering of students and formators in Vietnam from July 21-27, 2024.

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Wednesday, 23 March 2022 13:04

Causa Nostrae Laetitia Ianuarius/Martius 2022

Professio Temporanea
16-01-22  Roberto Isidro, Tejerina Valdez (Mel-B) Tarija, Bolivia

Professio Solemnis
19-03-22  Oreste Maria Manzi (Ital) Roma, Italia

Ordinatio Diaconalis
17-03-22  Joseph Long Bui (SEL-V) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
26-02-22  Douglas Rafael Mendivil Martelo (Ital-C) Cartegena, Colombia
26-02-22  Lizwaun Martinez Guerra (Ital-C) Cartegena, Colombia
17-03-22  Joseph Thinh Tran (SEL-V) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
17-03-22  James Thien Tran (SEL-V) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Monday, 14 February 2022 10:46

The Indonesian Province Appoints New Leadership

The Indonesian Province, the largest province in the Order, held elections for their leadership on Friday, February 11, 2022, in Tanjung Pinggir, North Sumatera. As you can see in the videos of the Chapter, the elections were celebrated with the members and invited guests dancing in traditional dress of the Batak tribe. Many young lay people from the parish joined in the celebration. 

Also present for the opening of the Chapter was Bishop Kornelius Sipayung, OFM.Cap. 

Elections for the Commissariats of Sumatra and Flores will take place at later gatherings. 

Sadly, news was received that Carmelite Bishop Fransiscus Xaverius Sudartanta Hadisumarta, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Malang and of the Diocese of Manokwari-Sorong, had died early Saturday morning in Jakarta. He had been hospitalized for a few weeks. 

We congratulate the new leadership of the province and ask God’s continued blessings upon their lives and work. We also give thanks to God for the humble, gentle service of Bishop Hadisumarta to the Order and Church these many years.

The following were elected:

Prior Provincial | Prior Provincial | Priore Provinciale: 

P. F.X. Hariawan Adji, O. Carm.

Vice Provincial | Vice Provincial | Vice Provinciale: 

P. Barnabas Krispinus Ginting, O. Carm.

1er Consejero | 1st Councilor | 1° Consigliere: 

P. Dominikus Dinong, O. Carm.

2do Consejero | 2nd Councilor | 2° Consigliere: 

P. Ignasius Joko Purnomo, O. Carm.

3er Consejero | 3rd Councilor | 3° Consigliere:

P. Agustinus Irtikandik Darmawanto, O. Carm.

4to Consejero | 4th Councilor | 4° Consigliere:

P. Andreas Deddy Purnawan, O. Carm.

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Wednesday, 19 January 2022 07:53

Causa Nostrae Laetitia - Ianuarius 2022

Initium Novitiatus

04-01-22 Kevin Alexander Flores Landaverde (PCM- ES) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Noé Marcelo Girón López (PCM-ES) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Richard Janson Lachira Alcas (PCM-Peru) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Joyser Nestor Laureate Pereyra (PCM-Peru) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Juan Carlos Meléndez Landaverde (PCM-ES) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Augusto Isaías Padilla Paredes (PCM-Peru) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Luis Alberto Valeriano Meza (PCM-ES) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Eloy Willian Vasquez Becerra (PCM-Peru) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Kevin Eduardo Vega Paniagua (PCM-ES) Lurin, Perú
04-01-22 Irvin Omar Zometa Samayoa (PCM-ES) Lurin, Perú

Professio Temporanea

08-12-21 Mary Elijah Guingon (MAC) Christoval, Texas, USA Lurin, Perú
07-01-22 Pedro Antonio Mira Padilla (PCM-ES) Lurin, Perú
07-01-22 Bertoliny Alexander Montes Ramos (PCM-Peru) Lurin, Perú
07-01-22 Héctor Tavárez Mendoza (PCM-Mexico) Lurin, Perú
07-01-22 Geovanni de Jesús Velázquez Ramos (PCM-Mexico) Lurin, Perú
07-01-22 Christian Orlando García Hernández (PCM-ES) Lurin, Perú

Professio Solemnis

15-01-22 Anthony Thanh Nguyen (SEL-Viet) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
15-01-22 Joseph Tam Nguyen (SEL-Viet) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
15-01-22 Peter Trong Pham (SEL-Viet) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ordinatio Diaconalis

06-12-21 Nicolás Carrizales (CAT) Barcelona, España
03-01-22 Antony Ebin Mathew (STSA) North Paravur, Kerala, India
03-01-22 Thomas Renju Rajan (STSA) North Paravur, Kerala, India

Ordinatio Sacerdotalis

08-12-21 Paul Kaptain Pakao (Phil) Rabaul, Philippines
06-01-22 Albert Anson Cancis (STSA) Perumpilly, India
10-01-22 Jose Vilayakattu (STSA) Meppadi, India
13-01-22 Simon Aldrin Louiz (STSA) Aripalam, India

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Thursday, 23 December 2021 14:53

First Papuan Priest for Province of Philippines

On December 8, the Philippine Province of Blessed Titus Brandsma celebrated an historic milestone with the ordination of the first member of the province from Papua New Guinea. Paul Kaptain Pakao, O. Carm., was ordained at the Iwai mission of the parish of Goma in the Archdiocese of Rabaul. Witnessing the ceremony were the ordinandi’s family, along with the different clans from his native village. The ordaining bishop was Archbishop Joseph Rochus Tatamai, MSC, the ordinary of the Archdiocese of Rabaul.

In his homily, Archbishop Tatamai expressed his gratitude for the Carmelite presence in in Papua New Guinea, which began in the Diocese of Bereina some 13 years ago.

The morning was filled with traditional festivities, singing, dancing, and sharing of gifts, which included crops and livestock which were later prepared into a sumptuous meal shared by everyone in attendance.

During his remarks, the Philippine Prior Provincial thanked the family of the newly ordained for allowing their son, Paul, to join the Carmelites, thus offering him to be of service to the Order and to the Church. He also thanked all the villagers and other friends of the Carmelite missionaries who graced the event, most especially the archbishop who stayed throughout the colorful celebration.

Fr. Paul Kaptain’s ordination marks the first ordination of the Philippine Carmelite foundation in Papua New Guinea. Another “Paul” from Papua New Guinea, Paul Sireh, was ordained priest but is a member of the Australian Province. 

Other young men from Papua New Guinea have answered the call of their Carmelite vocation. One student is currently undergoing his second year of theological studies in the Philippines. Three aspirants are preparing to arrive in the Philippines to begin their own formation.

Indeed, the interest and perseverance of these young men bear witness to the Filipino missionary friars’ positive contributions to the church in Papua New Guinea and the powerful impact they have made on the faithful, particularly on those who have been called to a life in Carmel -- echoing the lines of a familiar song: "Into the land of Carmel, I brought you to gather loads of charming fruits.”

Congratulations to Fr. Paul and the Philippine Province and to the Church in Papua New Guinea on this milestone!

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Friday, 26 November 2021 10:44

JPIC Commission Webinar On Human Rights

The Webinar on Human Rights organized by the Carmelite Commision for JPIC of Asia, Australia and Oceania will take place this upcoming Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 12:00 hrs. (Rome, Italy, GMT +1).

During this webinar the members of the Comission for JPIC and participants will share their perpectives on human rights and will provide us with some illumination on challenges the members of the Carmelite family worldwide are experiencing in their lives.

P. Míċéal O'Neill, O.Carm., Prior General, will present the conference "JPIC and Human Rights: A Carmelite Perspective," and Fr. Christian Buenafe, JPIC Convener, from the Philippine Province will speak about "JPIC and Human Rights Work: Philippine Province."

The Asia-Australia-Oceania Geographic Area JPIC commission was formed in April 2021. The Commission has identified three areas to focus it's work in this sexennium (2019-2025), namely human rights, environment, and culture and religion as part of our JPIC work. This is the first initiative involving the whole Carmelite family in the Geographic area as a commission.

The Carmelite Order General Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) works in the person of the General Councillor responsible, Fr. Conrad Mutizamhepo, O.Carm. and all his members, with the international community through the Carmelite NGO at the United Nations and with the other NGOs within the Carmelite Family towards promoting Sustainable Development Goals in Carmelite ministries around the world especially in the areas of education, religious freedom and human rights, among other aspects contained in the Global Plan of the General Council 2019-2025.

To connect to the Zoom Meeting:

ID #873 0782 4093

Passcode: 255294


Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Wednesday, 17 November 2021 07:31

Causa Nostrae Laetitia - Oct/Nov 2021

Professio Solemnis
15-11-21 José Ivanildo Justino (Flum) São Paolo, Brazil

Ordinatio Diaconalis
25-10-21 Jean de Dieu Kavunga (Ita-RPC) Kinshasa, Dem Rep Congo
25-10-21 Philéomon Kambale (Ita-RPC) Kinshasa, Dem Rep Congo

Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
25-10-21 Noël Kwaya (Ita-Cong) Kinshasa, Dem Rep Congo
25-10-21 Jean-Claude Isusi (Ita-Cong) Kinshasa, Dem Rep Congo
14-11-21 Andres Nono (Indo) Maumere-Flores, Indonesia
14-11-21 Andreas Yorenus Waji Rasi (Indo) Maumere-Flores, Indonesia
14-11-21 Mariano Puken (Indo) Maumere-Flores, Indonesia
14-11-21 Yeremias Geleta Huler (Indo) Maumere-Flores, Indonesia
14-11-21 Yohanes Palaama Belang (Indo) Maumere-Flores, Indonesia

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Thursday, 21 October 2021 08:33

Causa Nostrae Laetitia - Iunius/Oct 2021

Initium Novitiatus

24-06-21 Adorn Ansel (STSA) Lisieux Bhavan Chala, India
15-08-21 Patrick Mingard (Gal) Nante, France

Professio Temporanea

31-08-21 Giovanna D'Aniello (SAR) Sogliano al Rubicone, Italia

Professio Solemnis

16-07-21 Matteo Antonllini (Ita) Castellina, Italia
04-09-21 Maria Sabrina Fubelli (CAR) Carpineto Romano, Italia
08-09-21 Mary Jackline Bochaberi of the Cross (MAC) Machakos, Kenya
08-09-21 Mary Veronica Muthini of Christ the King (MAC) Machakos, Kenya
11-09-21 Richard Philip Green (Brit) Aylesford, England

Ordinatio Diaconalis

03-07-21 Alfredo Pisana (Ita) Torrespaccata, Italia
17-10-21 Emery Losinu (Ita-Cong) Butempo, Dem Rep Congo
17-10-21 Samuel Ndjate (Ita-Cong) Butempo, Dem Rep Congo

Ordinatio Sacerdotalis

20-08-21 Mário Josué Bernando Alves (Pern) Jaboatão dos Guasarapes, Brasil
21-08-21 Jorge da Costa Silva (Pern) Alagoa Grande, Brasil
25-09-21 Bruno Castro Shoder (Rio) São Paulo, Brasil
17-10-21 Matthias Mukombozi (Ita-Cong) Butempo, Dem Rep Congo
17-10-21 Gilbert Paluku (Ita-Cong) Butempo, Dem Rep Congo
17-10-21 Charles Kambale (Ita-Cong) Butempo, Dem Rep Congo
17-10-21 Innocent Djomby (Ita-Cong) Butempo, Dem Rep Congo

Published in Announcements (CITOC)
Wednesday, 29 September 2021 07:40

Carmelite Nuns in Tanay Ask for Prayers

We would ask your continued prayerful support of our Carmelite nuns in Tanay, Philippines.

According to a letter from the community on September 23, 2021, twelve of the eighteen nuns in the community have tested positive for covid. All of the sisters, with the exception of one, are vaccinated. (The sister who was not vaccinated is taking chemo.) The case are considered to be mild and symptomatic.

Although the sisters are asking for prayers of the people, they also assure everyone that they are responding with prayer to those who have asked for them. They remember especially those who are sick with covid.

The sisters conclude, “Do not worry about us … we are hoping to recover. Whatever happens, someday we will praise HIM together in the Kingdom of Light and say with MARY, 'The Almighty has done great things for ME, and holy is HIS Name.' We love you all!”

The monastery was inaugurated on November 11, 2001, and is part of the “Stella Maris” Federation of monasteries in the Philippines. Nine sisters from different monasteries of the Federation made up the original community.

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