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Giovedì, 03 Dicembre 2015 10:07

Young Carmelite Friars' Ongoing Formation Course In Indonesia

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From November 16 to 21, 2015, 38 young Carmelites from the Asia-Australia-Oceania geographical area who are in their 1st to 5th year in ministry gathered in Malang, Indonesia, in order to know each other, to share their experiences on ministry among themselves and extract the lessons from them, and to dream for the Order as they continue their journey being the future leaders of the region and of the Order. The gathering was guided by the theme: Nurturing Carmelite Vocation in the Year of Consecrated Life.

To lead them in their discussion and helping them to make sense of their experiences, various speakers were invited. Fr. Christian Buenafe, O.Carm, Prior Provincial of Carmel Philippines, came to share his views about the reality, gifts and challenges of religious living in community and doing ministry as he talked about Sharing Our Lives with Others: Finding the Balance in the Tension of Community and Ministry. Fr. Noel Deslate, a diocesan priest from the Philippines and a director of the Galilee Institute devoted to helping priests and religious with problems, came to talk about Boundaries and Intimacy in the Ministry. Fr. Robert Puthussery, O.Carm., Prior Provincial of St. Thomas Province of India, came to talk about Consecrated Religious in the Midst of the People. The participants, being young Carmelites and confronted with the lures of the modern world, Fr. Stephanus Buyung, O.Carm., Director of Marian Center based Jakarta, Indonesia, came to share about Reclaiming and Nurturing Our Contemplative Gift as Carmelites in Today's World. Fr. Benny Phang Khong Wing, O.Carm, General Councilor for Asia-Australia-Oceania and for Formation, capped the course by suggesting to the young Carmelites that they are the future of the Order in his discussion about Building the Theotokoi Community: Carmelite Lifestyle in the Changing World.

The course was a mixture of prayer, study, relax and fraternal sharing as well as dreaming for the future of the Order. All the participants were grateful for the opportunity to gather together as brothers in the geographical area. They went home to each of their own province wiser, hopeful and inspired to do more in the ministries in the name of the Order, and looking forward to their next gathering!

Read 1481 times Last modified on Martedì, 11 Dicembre 2018 20:50

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