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Martedì, 04 Agosto 2020 09:33

New Journal “Stella Maris”

St. Albert’s International Centre (CISA), our Carmelite community for friars pursuing post-graduate studies in Rome, is pleased to announce the publication of a new Journal “Stella Maris” for sharing research, experience and reflections from the various Carmelite centres of formation across the world. It is hoped that this publication will help to support the development of our life as citizens, Christians and Carmelites living in various countries especially in the light of the major world issues that impact us today. We invite the submission of articles and reviews (in any language) from the staff and/or students who participate in any of the formation centres within the Carmelite Family throughout the world. Authors can use the academic styles approved in their local educational institutions. Contact information and a link to the first edition is below.

For more information or to submit articles for Stella Maris, please contact: Kuba Walczak OCarm: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

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