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Jueves, 08 Octubre 2020 02:16

A Meeting of the International Secretariat for the Carmelite Laity

On the 19 September, the members of the International Secretariat for the Carmelite Laity met for the first time through the Zoom online platform. The participants were the following: Aideen Ryan, T.O.C. (Hib), Amos Ochieng, T.O.C. (Ken), María Mónica Enhudjiana, T.O.C. (Indo), Michele Bonanno, T.O.C. (Ita), Paulo Daher, T.O.C. (Flum), Rosario M. Vera Martín T.O.C. (Baet),  Fr.Luis Maza Subero, O. Carm. (General Delegate for the Laity) and Fr. Alejandro López-Lapuente Villalba, O. Carm. (ACV), who helped as translator.

The meeting began with a short prayer and with a welcome from Fr. Luis Maza, who thanked the members of the Secretariat for their availability for this service. He invited the participants to introduce themselves personally, briefly sharing their vocational history in the Carmelite Order and the expectations regarding the International Secretariat for the Laity over the next six years.

Later, the general plan of the General Council for the laity was worked on, studying possible concrete actions for the six year period. Finally, they established the points on which to work during the next meeting to be held in November via Zoom.

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