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Martedì, 15 Maggio 2018 21:11

International Congress of the Carmelite Laity 2018

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28/2018 – 15 – 05

The General Commission of the Carmelite Laity would like to remind all Provincials, Commissaries, and Delegates about the International Congress of the Carmelite Laity 2018, that will be held in Rome, Italy, from September 15 (arrival) to September 21 (departure) as specified in the convocation letter sent a few months ago. The organisers would like to ask all Superiors to send the list of participants of their respective Carmelite entities before May 31 (deadline) to the following email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

In case a participant is required to get a visa to enter Europe, please, send as soon as possible the corresponding information in order to prepare a letter of invitation. We need full name as it appears on passport, passport number, expiration date of passport, dates of arrival to and departure from Europe.

Read 2115 times Last modified on Martedì, 11 Dicembre 2018 20:50

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