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Domenica, 28 Luglio 2019 08:26

A Meeting of North American Lay Carmelites

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53/2019 – 28 – 07

From July 19-21, the so-called “Lay Convocation” was held at the Hilton Hotel in Chicago (USA), organized by the PCM and SEL Provinces. Nearly 400 people from various parts of North America took part. In addition to the laity, there was a representation of the Carmelite Sisters and the contemplative nuns of various monasteries. The theme of the meeting, "Elijah: Inner fire, outward zeal", was developed by various speakers: Fernando Millán Romeral, O.Carm. (Prior General), William Harry, O.Carm. (PCM Provincial), Nicholas Blackwell, O.Carm. and Glenn Snow, O.Carm. Likewise, a series of workshops were run in which the prophetic dimension of Carmel was reflected upon in relation to various issues and situations. At the final banquet, the Prior General received an affectionate farewell tribute from the American laity at the end of his period as Prior General of the Order.

A Meeting of North American Lay Carmelites
Read 1880 times Last modified on Domenica, 28 Luglio 2019 08:28

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