On the occasion of the first centenary of the Apostolic Letter, Maximum Illud, of Pope Benedict XV, Pope Francis has convoked a Special Missionary Month for October, 2019, that will have as its theme, "Baptized and Sent out: the Church of Christ on Mission in the World". On account of this, and by way of preparation for the said month, the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples and for Pontifical Missionary Works, has published a guide. The guide is divided into three parts, with an introduction that includes a number of quotations of what Pope Francis and Cardinal Filoni have said about mission in the Church today. In the first part, under the title, "The Encounter with Jesus Christ", there is a reflection on the liturgical readings for the month of October 2019. The second part presents a list of "witnesses to mission". The third part contains reflections on certain concrete questions in relation to the missionary dimension of the Church. The guide, in five languages, may be read at: http://www.october2019.va/it/mmsott2019/la-guida.html
In the second section, among the twenty-five witnesses, two Carmelites appear: St. Therese of the Child Jesus, patroness of the missions, and Bl. Titus Brandsma who, at various times, manifested their desire to go to the missions but never went, for a number of reasons. Both examples show us how people can possess a missionary spirit and be involved in mission in and through ordinary daily life. May Carmel in the 21st century never be without that missionary spirit and the generosity necessary to give witness to the Good News of the Gospel!